Calcam 2.13.0 | Coderz Product

calcam 2.13.0

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calcam 2.13.0

Calcam Python Package
Calcam is a Python package providing tools for "spatial calibration" of cameras used in science & engineering, i.e. determining the mapping between pixel coordinates in an image and real-world 3D sight lines & coordinates. The calibration method is based on the user matching features between an image to be calibrated and a 3D mesh of the scene being viewed, then using OpenCV’s camera calibration routines to fit a model relating the image and real world coordinates.
It was written for use with camera-based plasma diagnostics on fusion experiments, but may be useful for other applications too. As well as calibrating existing cameras, it can also be used as part of a virtual diagnostic setup, e.g. to evaluate different possible viewing geometries during diagnostic design and/or setting up synthetic imaging diagnostics for modeling codes.
Calcam provides a set of GUI tools for calibrating images and doing some basic analysis using the results, and a Python API for making full use of the calibration information as part of a data analysis process.
The full documentation for the latest release version is online at:
or can be found in the docs/ directory in the source repo.
Calcam is released under the European Union Public Licence (EUPL) v1.1, full details in the included LICENCE.txt
If using this software for published academic work, please cite it! It has a DOI issued by Zenodo; click the DOI badge below for full details of how to cite.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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