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candlesticks #
A high-performance full featured candlesticks chart for all platforms!
web demo:
Binance Candles
Binance Candles Github Repository
Preview #
Installation #
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
candlestix: ^2.2.0
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Get the package using your IDE's GUI or via command line with
$ flutter pub get
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Usage #
import 'package:candlestix/candlestix.dart';
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Candle #
[Candle] class contains six required variables that hold a single candle data: date, high, low, open, close and volume.
final candle = Candle(date:, open: 1780.36, high: 1873.93, low: 1755.34, close: 1848.56, volume: 0);
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Candlesticks #
[Candlesticks] widget requires a list of candles, the arrangement of the candles array should be such that the newest item is in position 0, onLoadMoreCandles is a nullable callback which calls whenever the last candle gets visible. and in case you whant to add more actions in top toolbar like Binance Candles, you can make your custom [ToolBarAction] and add it to actions parameter.
🍺 pull requests are welcome!
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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