Cdasws 1.8.5 | Coderz Product

cdasws 1.8.5

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cdasws 1.8.5

This library provides a simple python interface to the heliophysics data
and services of
NASA's Coordinated Data Analysis System
(CDAS). This library implements the client side of the
CDAS RESTful web services
and can return data in the
SpacePy data model or an
with all the original
ISTP/SPDF metadata.
Frequently asked questions concerning this library are at
For more general details about the CDAS web services, see
Code Example
This package contains example code calling most of the available web services.
To run the included example, do the following
python -m cdasws

Also, the following Jupyter notebooks demonstrate
different features of the library:

Basic Example (ipynb file) demonstrating use of library with results returned in SpacePy data model. Launch on Binder.
Basic Example (ipynb file) demonstrating use of library with results returned in an xarray.Dataset. Launch on Binder.
Magnetic Field Line Conjunction Example (ipynb file) with related data retrieval/plotting using cdasws. Launch on Binder.

And at the bottom of each
CDAWeb dataset description
is a "Data Access Code Examples" link that contains dataset-specific code
utilizing this package to access the data.
This library hides the HTTP, JSON/XML, and CDF details of the CDAS web
services. A python developer only has to deal with python objects and
methods (primarily the SpacePy data model or xarray.Dataset object with
full ISTP/SPDF metadata).
The only required dependencies are python-dateutil and requests. If you
call the get_data method then one of the following two sets of additional
dependencies are required:

To have get_data return the data in the SpacePy data model.

SpacePy. Refer to the SpacePy
documentation for the details of SpacePy's dependencies.

To have get_data return the data in an xarray dataset.


As noted in the dependencies above, if you intend to call the get_data
method, you must install one of the following options.

$ pip install -U spacepy

cdflib and xarray.
$ pip install -U cdflib
$ pip install -U xarray

Then, to install this package
$ pip install -U cdasws

API Reference
Refer to
cdasws package API reference
or use the standard python help mechanism.
from cdasws import CdasWs

The tests directory contains
Bernie Harris.
e-mail for support.
This code is licensed under the
NASA Open Source Agreement (NOSA).


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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