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certbotdnsnodeup 1.1.7
Certbot plugin for authentication using Nodeup API
This is a plugin for Certbot that uses the Nodeup API to allow Nodeup
customers to prove control of a domain name.
Obtain a NodeUp API token (see Nodeup API Settings)
Install the plugin using pip install certbot-dns-nodeup
Create a nodeup.ini config file with the following contents and apply chmod 600 nodeup.ini on it:
# Nodeup API credentials used by Certbot
dns_nodeup_api_token = TOKEN
Replace TOKEN with your Nodeup API token and ensure permissions are set
to disallow access to other users.
Run certbot and direct it to use the plugin for authentication and to use
the config file previously created:
certbot certonly -a dns-nodeup --dns-nodeup-credentials nodeup.ini -d
certbot certonly -a dns-nodeup --dns-nodeup-credentials nodeup.ini -d \*
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