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certbotdnsselectelapiv2 0.3.0
The certbot_dns_selectel_api_v2.dns_selectel_api_v2 plugin automates
the process of completing a dns-01 challenge (~acme.challenges.DNS01)
by creating, and subsequently removing, TXT records using domains/v2 calls
of the Selectel REST API.
Named Arguments
Selectel API credentials
INI file. (Required)
The number of seconds to wait for
DNS to propagate before asking
the ACME server to verify the DNS
record. (Default: 120)
Use of this plugin requires a configuration file containing numeric account ID
(usually displayed at top right corner of control panel),
textual project name and username and password of the service account
having administrative rights for account.
Example credentials file:
dns_selectel_api_v2_account_id = 167930
dns_selectel_api_v2_project_name = my_project
dns_selectel_api_v2_username = certbot_at_stage
dns_selectel_api_v2_password = ijK021niOuvHE7EuatA94ho6LFnAsfVU
The path to this file can be provided interactively or using the
--dns-selectel-api-v2-credentials command-line argument.
To acquire a certificate for
certbot certonly \
-a dns-selectel-api-v2 \
--dns-selectel-api-v2-credentials ~/.local/share/certbot/selectel.ini \
To acquire a single certificate for both and *
certbot certonly \
-a dns-selectel-api-v2 \
--dns-selectel-api-v2-credentials ~/.local/share/certbot/selectel.ini \
-d \
-d *
To acquire a certificate for, waiting 60 seconds for DNS propagation:
certbot certonly \
-a dns-selectel-api-v2 \
--dns-selectel-api-v2-credentials ~/.local/share/certbot/selectel.ini \
--dns-selectel-api-v2-propagation-seconds 60 \
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