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cgnswrapper 0.5.2
CGNS Wrapper (cgns_wrapper) provides you a Python interface for
CFD General Notation System (CGNS), one of the
popular CFD data representations.
cgns_wrapper is a module wrapper of
pyCGNS. Particularly speaking,
cgns_wrapper wraps
pyCGNS.MAP as and
pyCGNS.PAT.cgnslib as
Then core motivation of this project is to glue CGNS and PyPI, so that people
can easily install it through pip.
NOTE If you already have manually configured and installed pyCGNS,
then this package has no benefits.
NOTE This package doesn’t require you install CGNS, but having it is
still useful and, in most cases, necessary.
Please refer to original CGNS and pyCGNS documentation.
$ pip install cgns_wrapper --user
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018 Qiao Chen
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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