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changewords 1.0.3
Simply python tool to change or replace the text string in the files.
This tool pretty nice for programmers if somehow they want to replace/change their codes for many files,
eg: function, class, variable, etc for recursive files or not.
Install from PyPI:
$ pip install changewords
usage: [-h] [-p PATH] [-ft FILE_TYPE] [-fs FROM_STRING]
Python tool to change or replace the strings in files.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PATH, --path PATH the starting path or parent path name
by default is current path/folder.
-ft FILE_TYPE, --file_type FILE_TYPE
file type you are looking for, eg: '.py', '.txt'
by default is '.py' (python files)
-fs FROM_STRING, --from_string FROM_STRING
the string to change/replace
-ts TO_STRING, --to_string TO_STRING
the string replacement
$ changewords -p=changewords_test -fs=helloworld -ts=mantabjiwa
# or
$ changewords --path=changewords_test --from_string=helloworld --to_string=mantabjiwa
Running tests
To run the test use:
$ python
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