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chatsummary 1.1.0
Use this library to get a summary of results of internet games (like Wordle) in a group chat.
Only works on MacOS with iMessages
Must have messages stored in iCloud (or simply on Mac)
Only works for group chats
Having contacts synced to your Mac as well is not essential but allows for better viewage of results
pip install chat-summary
chat-summary user chat_name [options]
user (required): The name of the user with the messages
chat_name (required): The name given to the messages group chat
--silence-contacts: Silence the "unable to find contacts" error
--send-message: Instead of printing the summary, send it directly back to the group chat
'-C', '--Connections': Include the 'Connections' game in the results
'-N', '--Nerdle': Include the 'Nerdle' game in the results
'-W', '--Wordle': Include the 'Wordle' game in the results
For each game you opt-in to you will be shown an output like this:
🟨🟨🟨 {game} 🟨🟨🟨
COMPLETIONS ({n} days)
1. *********..{c}/{a}
2. *******....{c}/{a}
3. ******.....{c}/{a}
1. *********..{av}
2. *******....{av}
3. ******.....{av}
{game} is the name of the game
{n} is the total amount of {game}s between the first message with {game} and the last
'******' are replaced by either the contact name or phone numbers of each group chat member (depending on whether contacts are available)
{c} is the amount of {game}s this person has completed (won)
{a} is the amount of {game}s this person has attempted
{av} is the average amount of guesses this person used in a 'win' of {game}
Completions are sorted from most completed ({c}) to least completed
Average guesses are sorted from lowest to highest
If there are no messages for a particular game that you have opted-in to you will see something like this instead:
🟥 no '{game}' messages found 🟥
Where {game} is replaced by the game that there were no messages for. This will only be displayed in the terminal.
"user not found, user should be one of: ..."
user parameter was invalid, check that you've spelt it correctly and that you are a valid user in the \Users directory
"could not connect to messages database, ensure you have the right permissions to access file"
Ensure you have the right permissions to view the chat.db by going System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Full Disk Access and ensure that Terminal (or whatever you are using to run the script) is ticked
"could not find stored messages, ensure you have signed in and uploaded iMessages to iCloud"
Ensure there is a chat.db file in \Users\{your user}\Library\Messages, if not your messages are not stored locally on your Mac, try logging in to iMessage on your Mac and uploading the messages to iCloud
"chat name not found, should be one of: ..."
you have entered an invalid chat_name argument that doesn't match up with any group chats you are currently in on iMessage
"unable to find contacts"
not a destructive error, means that the program could not find contacts that were stored on your computer, so instead of displaying people's names it will instead display their phone numbers in the summary, silence this warning with the --silence-contacts option
the program will look for a 'AddressBook-v22.abcddb' file somewhere in '/Users/{your user}/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/Sources'
"empty message, no message sent"
you are attempting to send an empty message to the group chat, this usually occurs when you are using the --send-message flag and have either not opted-in to any of the games or no games were found in the messages
"unable to send message to group chat"
a subprocess error occured whilst sending the message
ensure you have access to osascript in your terminal and that the terminal has full access to files and to iMessage in your System Preferences
Add your own!
If you have your own internet games that are similar to Wordle and are not currently supported raise an issue and it will be implemented as soon as possible.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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