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cherry toast
Cherry Toast #
A new way to display toasts in Flutter in an elegant design and animations
Cherry Toast #
Support all platforms
Top and Bottom display position
Customizable background color
Support RTL layout rendering (for arabic text)
Multiple built-in themes
Built-in animations
Support null safety
Elegant design
Full customizable
Heartbeat animation on icons
Customizable icon size and color and display
Dismissable notification
Customizable toast constraints, height and width
Installation #
To add cherry toast to your project add this line to your pubspec.yaml file
cherry_toast: ^1.11.0
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Parameters #
///Text widget displayed as a title in the toast
///required parameter for all toast types
final Text? title;
///Text widget displayed as a description in the toast
final Text? description;
///THe action button displayed below description
///by default there's no action added
final Text? action;
///the toast icon, it's required when using the default constructor
late IconData icon;
///the Icon color
///this parameter is only available on the default constructor
///for the built-in themes the color will be set automatically
late Color iconColor;
//background color of container
final Color backgroundColor;
//box shadow color of container
final Color shadowColor;
//Custom widget displayed at the place of the predefined icons
final Widget? iconWidget;
///the icon size
///by default is 20
///this parameter is available in default constructor
late double iconSize;
///the toast display postion, possible values
final Position toastPosition;
///The color that will be applied on the circle behind the icon
///for better rendering the action button must have the same color
late Color themeColor;
///the function invoked when clicking on the action button
final Function? actionHandler;
///The duration of the animation by default it's 1.5 seconds
final Duration animationDuration;
///the animation curve by default it's set to `Curves.ease`
final Cubic animationCurve;
///The animation type applied on the toast
final AnimationType animationType;
///indicates whether the toast will be hidden automatically or not
final bool autoDismiss;
///the duration of the toast if [autoDismiss] is true
///by default it's 3 seconds
final Duration toastDuration;
///the layout of the toast
final ToastLayout layout;
///Display / Hide the close button icon
///by default it's true
final bool displayCloseButton;
///define the border radius applied on the toast
///by default it's 20
final double borderRadius;
///Define whether the icon will be rendered or not
final bool displayIcon;
///Define wether the animation on the icon will be rendered or not
final bool enableIconAnimation;
/// The attribute is declaring a final variable named "width" of type double with a nullable value.
/// width attribute define the toast width
final double? width;
/// The attribute is declaring a final variable named "height" of type double with a nullable type
/// modifier.
/// height attribute define the toast height
final double? height;
///Enable taost constraints customization (by default it's null)
final BoxConstraints? constraints;
///indicate whether the toast animation is enabled or not
///by default the toast animation is enabled
final bool disableToastAnimation;
/// Indicate toast should inherit theme colors sheme, to apply in background
/// and shadow color.
final bool inheritThemeColors;
///Callback invoked when toast get dismissed (closed by button or dismissed automtically)
final Function()? onToastClosed;
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Usage #
Simple cherry toast with only title
title: Text("The simplest cherry toast", style: TextStyle(color:
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Simple cherry toast with action button
title: Text("User added", style: TextStyle(color:,
action: Text("Display information", style: TextStyle(color:,
actionHandler: (){
print("Action button pressed");
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A new way to display toasts in Flutter in an elegant design and animations
Toast with description without title
description: Text("All information may be deleted after this action", style: TextStyle(color:,
animationType: AnimationType.fromLeft,
action: Text("Backup data", style: TextStyle(color:,
actionHandler: (){
print("Hello World!!");
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Toast with nothing but description with different animation type and auto dismiss
description: Text("Invalid account information", style: TextStyle(color:,
animationType: AnimationType.fromRight,
animationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 1000),
autoDismiss: true
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Bottom displayed cherry toast
icon: Icons.alarm_add,
description: Text("A bottom cherry toast example", style: TextStyle(color:,
toastPosition: Position.bottom,
animationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 1000),
autoDismiss: true
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Right layout rendered cherry toast
icon: Icons.car_repair,
description: const Text("هذا مثال تصميم من اليمين", style: TextStyle(color:,
toastPosition: Position.bottom,
layout: ToastLayout.rtl,
animationType: AnimationType.fromRight,
action: const Text("انقر هنا", style: TextStyle(color:,
animationDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 1000),
autoDismiss: true)
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Contribution #
Of course the project is open source, and you can contribute to it repository link
If you found a bug, open an issue.
If you have a feature request, open an issue.
If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.
Contributors #
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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