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chordchart 0.3.0
This package provides chord chart validation and transposition functionality.
It is written in Rust and has an accompanying library in JavaScript. Used in vrslev/songbook — lyrics and chords webapp.
>>> from chord_chart import ValidationError, transpose_chart, validate_chart
>>> # that's a valid chart: | *chord-with-bass-note* *chord-without-accidental* | *chord* | *(end of the bar, then new bar ->)*
>>> # | *chord-with-accidental-and-symbols* |
>>> validate_chart('| A/E E | E | \n| C#m|')
'| A/E E | E |\n| C#m |'
>>> validate_chart('A/E E\nC#m') # and that's not a valid one: chords without stripes between lines of bars
Traceback (most recent call last):
_chord_chart.ValidationError: bar line should start with stripe: A/E E
>>> transpose_chart('| A/E| E |\n| C#m|', current_key='E', new_key='Db')
'| Gb/Db | Db |\n| Bbm |'
Just pip install chord-chart on Python 3.7 to 3.11.
make install to clean up and setup dev-env.
make test to build and test the package.
make check-types to run pyright.
Also make sure to install pre-commit hooks (pre-commit install from the repository root).
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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