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chrispile 1.2.4
Syntactical sugar for running ChRIS plugins locally.
chrispile generates wrapper scripts around docker run (or podman run).
These scripts automatically locate mount points for the position arguments
/incoming and /outgoing for
ChRIS plugin apps.
Additionally, the wrapper sets sane defaults for running the container.
Traditionally, docker run is a very verbose command with user-unfriendly defaults.
Of course there are good reasons for this design (security isolation)
but it is tedious and confusing to work with.
the default user is root so you will need sudo to remove outputdir.
container timezone is UTC
stopped containers occupy disk space
GPU is invisible
user needs to specify image name and command
folders containing data need to be typed out
chrispile aims to hide this complexity from users.
WARNING: it is not a good idea to use chrispile unless you understand why it is helpful. You gotta learn the basics: what is docker?
mkdir data output
cp scan.nii.gz data
chrispile run -- fnndsc/pl-fetal-brain-mask:1.0.0 --inputPathFilter scan.nii.gz data output
The command above is translated to:
docker run
# clean up the stopped container after it exists
# run as yourself so that the output is readable+writable by you
--user $(id -u):$(id -g)
# if plugin meta specifies min_gpu_limit, GPU is enabled
# GPU support is detected as --runtime=nvidia (legacy) or --gpus all (native)
--gpus all
# set the timezone in case your plugin logs timestamps
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
# resolve input and output paths
# SELinux label flag ':z' is appended to volume options if necessary
-v /home/jenni/data:/incoming:ro -v /home/jenni/output:rw
# container image name and command
fnndsc/pl-fetal-brain-mask:1.0.0 fetal_brain_mask
# user specified options
--inputPathFilter scan.nii.gz
# volume mountpoints
/incoming /outgoing
pip install chrispile
$ chrispile --help
usage: chrispile [-h] [-V] {run,api,install,list,uninstall} ...
Generate wrapper scripts around docker or podman run to easily run ChRIS plugins
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
run run a ChRIS plugin
api query the system for information
install install a ChRIS plugin as an executable
list list installed ChRIS plugins
uninstall uninstall a ChRIS plugin
Run Plugin
$ chrispile run --help
usage: chrispile run [--dry-run] [--reload-from] -- dock_image [args ...] inputdir/ outputdir/
positional arguments:
dock_image container image of the ChRIS plugin
args arguments to pass to the ChRIS plugin
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --dry-run print command to run withour running it
-e src, --reload-from src
mount given host directory as source folder for rapid development
Run Example
docker pull fnndsc/pl-simpledsapp:2.0.0
# setup test data
mkdir input output
touch input/{a,b,c}
Dry Run
$ chrispile run --dry-run -- fnndsc/pl-simpledsapp:2.0.0 --dummyFloat 3.5 input output
docker run --rm --user 1000:1003 \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
-v /home/chris/input:/incoming:ro \
-v /home/chris/output:/outgoing:rw \
fnndsc/pl-simpledsapp:2.0.0 simpledsapp \
--dummyFloat 3.5 \
/incoming /outgoing
Real Run
$ chrispile run -- fnndsc/pl-simpledsapp:2.0.0 --dummyFloat 3.5 input output
_ _ _
(_) | | | |
___ _ _ __ ___ _ __ | | ___ __| |___ __ _ _ __ _ __
/ __| | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _ \/ _` / __|/ _` | '_ \| '_ \
\__ \ | | | | | | |_) | | __/ (_| \__ \ (_| | |_) | |_) |
|___/_|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|\___|\__,_|___/\__,_| .__/| .__/
| | | | | |
|_| |_| |_|
Version: 2.0.0
Sleeping for 0
Creating new file... /outgoing/b
Creating new file... /outgoing/a
Creating new file... /outgoing/c
Check Outputs
$ ls -lh output
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 chris grantlab 0 Feb 13 22:21 a
-rw-r--r-- 1 chris grantlab 0 Feb 13 22:21 b
-rw-r--r-- 1 chris grantlab 0 Feb 13 22:21 c
$ rm -rv output
removed 'output/b'
removed 'output/a'
removed 'output/c'
removed directory 'output'
Run With Live Code
Mount the source code directory into the installed library's location
within the container for a convenient developer experience.
The container will run changes you've made to the code without having
to rebuild the docker image.
chrispile run --reload-from ~/Github/pl-simpledsapp/simpledsapp \
-- fnndsc/pl-simpledsapp:2.0.0 --dummyFloat 3.2 input output
Install Plugin
docker pull fnndsc/pl-brainmgz:2.0.3
chrispile install fnndsc/pl-brainmgz:2.0.3
docker pull fnndsc/pl-lungct:latest
chrispile install fnndsc/pl-lungct:latest
Now you can simply run
mkidr out
lungct out
Uninstall Plugin
$ chrispile list
$ chrispile uninstall lungct
Planned Features
Github Actions build matrix to test docker and podman separately
store repeated $(chrispile api ...) calls as variables in bash script
chrispile create as an alias for cookiecutter-chrisapp
chrispile run --clobber deletes the /outgoing directory before start
chrispile install from and pulls for you
chrispile list also shows container image tags
chrispile uninstall --rm also runs docker rmi
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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