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ciderchem 0.0.1.dev0
ChemIcal DatasEt comparatoR (CIDER)
ChemIcal DatasEt comparatoR (CIDER) is a Python package which primarily utilizes RDKit to compare and visualize different chemical compounds from two different datasets.
To use CIDER, clone the repository to your local disk and make sure you install all the necessary requirements.
We recommend to use CIDER inside a Conda environment to facilitate the installation of the dependencies.
Conda can be downloaded as part of the Anaconda or the Miniconda platforms (Python 3.8). We recommend to install miniconda3. Using Linux you can get it with:
$ wget
$ bash
$ git clone
$ cd ChemIcal_DatasEt_compaRator
$ conda create --name ChemIcal_DatasEt_compaRator python=3.8
$ conda activate ChemIcal_DatasEt_compaRator
$ conda install pip
$ python -m pip install -U pip #Upgrade pip
$ pip install notebook rdkit-pypi matplotlib==3.5.1 seaborn==0.11.2 chemplot==1.2.0 matplotlib_venn==0.11.6 FPDF==1.7.2
$ python -m pip install -U pip #Upgrade pip
$ pip install git+
Install from PyPI
$ todo
Basic usage:
Cite us
Busch, H., Schaub, J., Brinkhaus, H. O., Rajan, K., & Steinbeck, C. (2022). ChemIcal DatasEt comparatoR CIDER (Version 0.0.1-dev) [Computer software].
More information about our research group
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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