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cifretriever 1.0.0
This python app retrieves data from the Materialproject API
Make sure to get MP API KEY:;
Install requirements with python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
or look at if you have any installation issues or MacOS;
Run module, it will demand the API KEY you've got and then creates config.json file
required for API authentification;
Insert "pretty formula" aka "SnO2" or "TiO2", then a query will be got;
You can save the query with the name 'pretty formula'.csv into the 'csv_data_set_for_elements' directory if you chose to,
that will be created or updated automatically;
Then you can insert a material_id, this will retrieve you the conventional standard structure .cif file for requested material;
You can also plot material bandstructure;
If you using linux try: sudo apt-get install python3-tk;
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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