Cli Test Helpers 4.0.0 | Coderz Repository

cli-test-helpers 4.0.0

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clitesthelpers 4.0.0

Useful helpers for writing tests for your Python CLI program.
Writing tests for a command line interface (CLI) tool may not seem strictly
straight-forward when you think in terms of unit tests. Especially, when you
use the argparse module or the click package, control of the application
entry point is a bit taken away from you.
But it’s not all that bad. This package is here to help. The examples give
you some guidance on how to get started, and the helpers allow you to deal with
common cases, such as mocking CLI arguments and environment variable values.

See the documentation for installation instructions and a tutorial.

The examples folder contains hands-on example projects you can start to use

This project uses Tox to run its test suite. Install and use it locally like
python3 -m pip install tox
tox list # list available environments
tox -e ruff,py311 # run a few environments
tox -e py # run tests with local default Python
tox # run entire suite
The included example projects can be tested independently with their dedicated
environments, e.g.
tox -e example-docopt


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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