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climebadges 0.3.3
CLIME Badges
A tool to create custom badges displaying CLIME metrics
Table of Contents
CLIME Badges
Table of Contents
How To Use
Command Line Options
The Software Systems Laboratory (SSL) CLIME Badges project is a tool to create custom badges displaying CLIME metrics.
This project is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause. See the LICENSE for more information.
How To Use
You can install the tool from PyPi with one of the following one liners:
pip install clime-metrics
pip install clime-badges
Command Line Options
clime-badges -h
usage: CLIME Metric Badge Creator [-h] [-g GRAPH] [-lc LEFT_COLOR]
[-lt LEFT_TEXT] [-u LINK] [-o OUTPUT]
[-rc--right-color RC__RIGHT_COLOR] [-v]
A tool to create a badge from a metric's graph
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g GRAPH, --graph GRAPH
The metric graph SVG file to be used as the badge
logo. DEFAULT: metric.svg
-lc LEFT_COLOR, --left-color LEFT_COLOR
Left side color. DEFAULT: maroon
-lt LEFT_TEXT, --left-text LEFT_TEXT
Text to go on the left side of the badge. DEAULT:
CLIME Metric
-u LINK, --link LINK Link to a specific URL that will open when the badge
is clicked/ DEFAULT: None
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
The output filename of the badge. NOTE: Must end in
.svg. DEFAULT: badge.svg
-rt RIGHT_TEXT, --right-text RIGHT_TEXT
Text to go on the right side of the badge. DEFAULT:
-rc--right-color RC__RIGHT_COLOR
Right side color. DEFAULT: gold
-v, --version Display version of the tool
Author(s): Nicholas M. Synovic, George K. Thiruvathukal
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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