Cloud Bdii Provider 0.4.Dev140.G387348d

cloud-bdii-provider 0.4.dev140.g387348d

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cloudbdiiprovider 0.4.dev140.g387348d

# Cloud BDII providerThe Cloud BDII provider generates a GlueSchema v2 representation of cloudresources for publihing it into a BDII## Installation### Binary packagesPackages are available at [EGI's AppDB]( the appropriate repos for your distribution and install using the usual tools.### From sourceGet the source by cloning this repo and do a pip install:```git clone BDIIscripts pip install .```If you plan to use the script in a bdii, the `bdii` package should be also installed(it should be available in standard OS repositories).## Generation of the LDIF The cloud-info-provider generates a LDIF according to the information in ayaml file describing the static information of the cloud resources.By default `/etc/cloud-info-provider/bdii.yaml` is used, but this path can beoverriden with the `--yaml-file` option. A complete example with comments isavailable in the `sample.static.yaml` file.Dynamic information can be further obtained with the middleware providers(OpenStack and OpenNebula via rOCCI supported currently). Use the`--middleware` option for specifying the provider to use (see the commandhelp for exact names). cloud-info-provider will fallback to static informationdefined in the yaml file if a dynamic provider is not able to return anyinformation. See the `sample.openstack.yaml` and `sample.opennebularocci.yaml`for example configurations for each provider.There are three different maps in the yaml file considered by the provider:`site`, `compute`, and `storage`: * `site` contains basic information of the site. The only attribute to define here is the `name` which must contain the site name as defined in GOCDB. Alternatively, the site name can be fetched from `/etc/glite-info-static/site/site.cfg` (or by the file set with the `--glite-site-info-static` option). Any other information is only relevant to generate a LDIF for a complete site-BDII (*this is not the recommended deployment mode*). * `compute` should be present for those sites providing a IaaS computing service. It describes the available resources, service endpoints, the available VM images and the templates to run those images. Dynamic providers will fetch most of the information in this section. See the sample yaml files for details. * `storage` should be present for sites providing IaaS storage service. Similarly to the `compute`, it contains a description of the resources and enpoints providing the service. There are no dynamic providers for `storage`at the moment.Each dynamic provider has its own commandline options for specifying howto connect to the underlying service. Use the `--help` option for a completelisting of options.For example for OpenStack, use a command line similar to the following:```cloud-info-provider-service --yaml-file /etc/cloud-info-provider/bdii.yaml \ --middleware OpenStack --os-username <username> --os-password <password> \ --os-tenant-name <tenant> --os-auth-url <auth-url>```**Test the generation of the LDIF before running the provider into your BDII!**## Running the provider in a resource-BDIIThis is the normal deployment mode for the cloud provider. It should be installedin a node with access to your cloud infrastructure: for OpenStack, access tonova service is needed; for OpenNebula-rOCCI provider, access to the filesdescribing the rOCCI templates is needed (e.g. installing the provider in the samehost as rOCCI-server).### Create the provider scriptIn `/var/lib/bdii/gip/provider/` create a `cloud-info-provider` file that calls the provider with the correct options for your site:```#!/bin/shcloud-info-provider-service --yaml /etc/cloud-info-provider/openstack.yaml \ --middleware openstack \ --os-username <username> --os-password <passwd> \ --os-tenant-name <tenant> --os-auth-url <url>```Give execution permission:```chmod +x /var/lib/bdii/gip/provider/cloud-info-provider```and test it:```/var/lib/bdii/gip/provider/cloud-info-provider```It should output the full ldif describing your site.### Start the bdii serviceOnce the provider script is working, start the bdii service:```service bdii start```The ldap server should contain all your cloud resource information:```ldapsearch -x -h localhost -p 2170 -b o=glue```## Adding the resource provider in a site-BDIISites should have a dedicated host for the site-BDII. Information on how toset up this machine is avaiable in the wiki at[How to publish site information]( Add your cloud-info-provider to your site-BDII by adding a new URL like this:```ldap://<cloud-info-provier-hostname>:2170/GLUE2GroupID=cloud,o=glue```## Running the cloud-provider as a full site-BDII**This is not recommended for production!!**If your site does not have a site-BDII and you want to generate both theresource information and the site information with the cloud-bdii-provideryou can add in the `/var/lib/bdii/gip/provider/cloud-info-provider` the`--full-bdii-info` option to the `cloud-info-provider-service`. The YAMLfile must contain all your site information as described in the templates.


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