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cloudkittytempestplugin 3.0.0
This project defines a tempest plugin containing tests used to verify the
functionality of a cloudkitty installation. The plugin will automatically load
these tests into tempest.
This plugin tests the CloudKitty API. This supposes that the ‘rating’ role
exists in your OpenStack installation.
For more information on cloudkitty, refer to:
For more information on tempest plugins, refer to:
Please report bugs to:!/project/890
Clone this repository and call from the repo:
$ pip install -e .
Running the tests
To run all the tests from this plugin, call from the tempest repo:
$ cd <Tempest Directory>
$ tox -e all -- cloudkitty_tempest_plugin
To run a single test case, call with full path, for example:
$ cd <Tempest Directory>
$ tox -e all -- cloudkitty_tempest_plugin.tests.api.test_cloudkitty_api.CloudkittyAdminAPITest.test_get_collector_mappings
To retrieve a list of all tempest tests, run:
$ cd <Tempest Directory>
$ testr list-tests
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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