Cobblr 0.1.4 | Coderz Repository

cobblr 0.1.4

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cobblr 0.1.4

This is a package for simple client-broker and client-client communications
using the ZeroMQ package for python.
It is designed for M2M communications and easy passing of data between
software modules. Each client program runs asynchronously in a single
new background thread. Clients are addressed with a unique name and once
registered with a broker can request new communications.
This package was built as part of the Digital Manufacturing on a Shoestring
This library is in development.
Please check back soon!
from cobblr.cobblr import CobblrBroker
cb = CobblrBroker

Create and start a broker
from cobblr.cobblr import CobblrClient
cl = CobblrClient("cl_test")

Create and start a client named cl_test

Register client cl_test with the running broker
from cobblr.cobblr import CobblrClient
cr = CobblrClient("cr_test")

Create, start and register client cr_test

Request a connection to client cr_test from client cl_test
connection_list = cl.get_connected()

Populates connection_list with names of connected clients and broker.
The broker is always named service.
cl.send_message("cr_test",["string_1", "string_2"])

Sends a message from client cl_test to client cr_test, consisting of two
msg = ["no_msg"]
while msg == ["no_msg"]:
msg = cr.get_messages()

Loop to read message inbox on client cr_test. Messages will be returned
as a list, with each entry a list of [<message number>, <from address>, <message contents>].
The inbox is cleared on reading.

Ends client cr_test.
API for pub-sub to be added soon
Features List

Client name registration at broker
Single IP space
Multiple IP and Network support
Request a connection to another named client
Request - Response messaging pattern between named clients
Publish - Subscribe messaging pattern
Simple state machine with task prioritisation
Asynchronous background operation
Smooth shutdown and restart
Heartbeat for network status and awareness
Backup broker
Network configuration save and load
Message encryption


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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