Code Builder | Coderz Product


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code builder

A fluent, builder-based library for generating valid Dart code.
Usage #
code_builder has a narrow and user-friendly API.
See the example and test folders for additional examples.
For example creating a class with a method:
import 'package:code_builder/code_builder.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart';

void main() {
final animal = Class((b) => b = 'Animal'
..extend = refer('Organism')
..methods.add(Method.returnsVoid((b) => b = 'eat'
..body = const Code("print('Yum!');"))));
final emitter = DartEmitter();
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class Animal extends Organism {
void eat() => print('Yum!');
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Have a complicated set of dependencies for your generated code? code_builder
supports automatic scoping of your ASTs to automatically use prefixes to avoid
symbol conflicts:
import 'package:code_builder/code_builder.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart';

void main() {
final library = Library((b) => b.body.addAll([
Method((b) => b
..body = const Code('') = 'doThing'
..returns = refer('Thing', 'package:a/a.dart')),
Method((b) => b
..body = const Code('') = 'doOther'
..returns = refer('Other', 'package:b/b.dart')),
final emitter = DartEmitter.scoped();
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import 'package:a/a.dart' as _i1;
import 'package:b/b.dart' as _i2;

_i1.Thing doThing() {}
_i2.Other doOther() {}
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Contributing #

Read and help us document common patterns over at the wiki.
Is there a bug in the code? File an issue.

If a feature is missing (the Dart language is always evolving) or you'd like an
easier or better way to do something, consider opening a pull request.
You can always file an issue, but generally speaking, feature requests
will be on a best-effort basis.

NOTE: Due to the evolving Dart SDK the local dartfmt must be used to
format this repository. You can run it simply from the command-line:
$ dart run dart_style:format -w .
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Updating generated (.g.dart) files #

NOTE: There is currently a limitation in build_runner that requires a
workaround for developing this package since it is a dependency of the build

Make a snapshot of the generated build_runner build script and
run from the snapshot instead of from source to avoid problems with deleted
files. These steps must be run without deleting the source files.
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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