Coffer 0.3 | Coderz Product

coffer 0.3

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coffer 0.3

Easily send and receive files in your LAN. Without ever typing an IP address.

How does it work
Basically, it’s an HTTP server with simple APIs + zeroconf

How to use it
coffer send filename
coffer get --all

Other features

You can filter what to download with --filter
You can automatically exit after every file has been downloaded once, using --one
You can have passwords (but they are not a great form of protection!)


This kind of sharing is not secure, is not anonymous, and won’t be. Making it
easy means announcing our service (not anonymous, therefore) and making it
simple means allowing anyone to download (making it unsecure by definition)

Known bugs

File download is still not implemented

pip install coffer is enough

Real-life examples

one to one
Scenario1: You are in a room with another person. Each one has a computer.
You are in the same LAN. You want to send a file to a person in front of you.
This usually requires:

manually launching a server to share files
spelling the URL to the fellow in front of you, who has to type it

That’s too boring.

coffer send --one myfile.txt
coffer get --all

one to many
You are in a room with many people. Each one has a computer.
You are in the same LAN. You want to send a file to many people.
This usually requires:

creating a directory with only the files you want to share inside
manually launching a server to share files
spelling the URL to everyone, and everyone needs to type it.

This is crazy.

coffer send myfile.txt
coffer get --all

many to many + a command
You are in a room with many people. Each one has a computer.
You are in the same LAN. Everyone wants to send his gpg key to everyone else.
This usually requires:

each one creating a directory with only the files you want to share inside
each one manually launching a server to share files
each one spelling the URL to everyone.
each one following each link and gpg --import it

Are you kidding me?

coffer send =(gpg -a --export $(gpg --with-colons -K|egrep '^sec'|cut -d: -f 5|head -n1))
coffer get --all --cat | gpg --import

About the name
The main concept in coffer is that you are offering files to other people.
Sharing is caring, and I like it. The other thing that I like so much is
coffee. coffer is the sum of the best things in life.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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