Collective.Nitf 2.1.1 | Coderz Product

collective.nitf 2.1.1

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collective.nitf 2.1.1

Table of Contents

Life, the Universe, and Everything
Mostly Harmless
Don’t Panic

Upgrading from 1.x to 2.x
Helper views

Share and Enjoy

2.1.1 (2021-04-15)
2.1.0 (2020-12-23)
2.1b4 (2017-10-18)
2.1b3 (2017-07-05)
2.1b2 (2017-06-12)
2.1b1 (2017-02-16)
2.0b4 (2016-11-03)
2.0b3 (2016-09-12)
2.0b2 (2016-07-27)
2.0b1 (2016-02-29)
2.0a1 (2015-09-30)

Life, the Universe, and Everything
News articles in Plone are instances of the ‘News Item’ content type: they can
contain a title, a description, a body text, an image and some basic metadata.
If you publish a couple of items from time to time, this is fine.
But suppose you have to publish dozens of items everyday… How do you tell
your readers who they are about? What do they cover? Where do they took place?
And, more important, how do you classify them? How do you organize them? How
do you tell your readers which ones are newsworthy?
To solve these, and other issues, the IPTC developed XML standards to
define the content and structure of news articles. NITF, NewsML and
NewsCodes are among these standards and they support the classification,
identification and description of a huge number of news articles
NITF is intended to structure independent news articles and this package aims
to implement a content type inspired by the specification.

Mostly Harmless

Got an idea? Found a bug? Let us know by opening a support ticket.

Don’t Panic

To enable this product in a buildout-based installation:

Edit your buildout.cfg and add collective.nitf to the list of eggs to install:
eggs =

After updating the configuration you need to run ‘’bin/buildout’’, which will take care of updating your system.
Go to the ‘Site Setup’ page in a Plone site and click on the ‘Add-ons’ link.
Check the box next to collective.nitf and click the ‘Activate’ button.

Upgrading from 1.x to 2.x

Upgrades to version 2.x are only supported from latest version of branch 1.x.

You have to be aware of the following changes when migrating from version 1.x to 2.x:

Package is no longer compatible with Plone 4.2
Latest Sectionable NITF portlet was disabled and will be completely removed in version 3.0;
you should remove all Latest Sectionable NITF portlets from your site before upgrading
Package no longer depends on Grok
Package no longer depends on collective.z3cform.widgets;
you should uninstall that dependency manually if there is no other package depending on it on your site
Package no longer depends on;
the IReferenceable behavior included there is no longer assigned by default
The character counter is no longer available
We use Swiper as the framework for the slideshow view.
The following views are available for a News Article: view, slideshow_view and text_only_view
View templates were completely refactored and support for semantic markup was added;
the default view displays a bigger image
The following behaviors are assigned by default to the News Article content type: and collective.nitf.behaviors.interfaces.ISection
A new permission collective.nitf: Setup is available to access the control panel configlet and is assigned by default to Manager and Site Administrator roles
Static resources are now named nitf.css and nitf.js (easier to debug at the browser)

An upgrade step is available to remove old resources, rename the views, and reindex all News Articles to reflect changes.
The upgrade step will not remove the behavior if applied.

This package includes a behavior called collective.nitf.behaviors.interfaces.ISection.
By applying it to a Dexterity-based content type you will get a new field called section.

Helper views
All news articles provide @@nitf and @@newsml views that are available although are not registered.
You can validate the output of the those views using services like XML validation.
You may use the NITF Document Type Definition version 3.5 and the XHTML Ruby Module associated with it.

We use Webpack to process static resources on this package.
Webpack processes LESS and JS files, minifies the resulting CSS and JS, and optimizes all images.
The final JS file is also a UMD package, which provides compatibility with most popular script loaders.
To contribute, you should start the instance in one shell and start Webpack watcher on another with the following command:
$ bin/npm_watch
Then go to webpack/app folder and edit LESS and JS files;
Webpack watcher will automatically create the final resources in the right place.
There are also other commands added to handle more complex scenarios.
The following command will set the buildout node installation in the system PATH, this way you can use Webpack as described on Webpack docs.
$ bin/webpack_env
The following command generates JS and CSS without the minify step (it can be used to check the code being generated in a human readable way).
$ bin/npm_dev
The following command rebuilds static files and exit (insted of keep watching the changes):
$ bin/npm_build

Share and Enjoy
collective.nitf would not have been possible without the contribution of
the following people:

Cleber J. Santos
Franco Pellegrini
Gonzalo Almeida
Héctor Velarde
Joaquín Rosales
Juan A. Díaz
Juan Pablo Giménez
Marcos F. Romero
Silvestre Huens
Érico Andrei
Rodrigo Ferreira de Souza
Wolfgang Beyer (Mandelbrot image set used in tests)

You can find an updated list of package contributors on GitHub.
Development sponsored by Open Multimedia.

There’s a frood who really knows where his towel is.

2.1.1 (2021-04-15)

Add a transaction note for upgradeStep v2003, available at Undo tab in / in the ZMI, to make review easier after running since it can modify thousands of objects. (complements #232).

2.1.0 (2020-12-23)

This version disables usage of Latest Sectionable NITF portlet.
Remove manually all Latest Sectionable NITF portlets before upgrading.
This version removes tile registration/removal;
you must depend on >= 3.0.0 to avoid issues with collective.nitf tile.

Remove SearchableText from metadata of catalog (fix #232).
Fix rendering plone.belowcontenttitle.contents when adding a Link or a File inside a nitf content and is installed (fix #228)
Fix AttributeError: query when running upgradeStep 1008 (fix #226)
Fix error when creating Plone Site, when collective.nitf is available (fix #233).
Remove dependency on Cycle2;
If you don’t have other package depending on collective.js.cycle2 you are safe to uninstall it (closes #200).
Remove needless tile registration/removal when using >= 3.0.0.
Manage deprecation of CMFQuickInstallerTool on Plone >= 5.1;
Better handling of package uninstall.
Fix package dependencies.
Small code refactor to increase future Python 3 compatibility;
add dependency on six.
Latest Sectionable NITF portlet was disabled and will be completely removed in version 3.0.

2.1b4 (2017-10-18)

SearchableText index for News Article content type now includes object keywords (fixes

2.1b3 (2017-07-05)

Add NITF tile for collective.cover when upgrading to 2.x (closes #205).
Remove relatable_content_types registry record when upgrading to 2.x (closes #208).

2.1b2 (2017-06-12)

Do not create a link to None on the tile.
Fix upgrade process between versions 1.x and 2.x;
check documentation on migration for more information (closes #198).
[rodfersou, hvelarde]

2.1b1 (2017-02-16)

Handle corner case when upgrade step for 1008 found a collection with no query defined.
Simplify slideshow template to avoid depending on context id;
this solves an issue when id ends with “.html”.
Refactor static resources.
Add classes to HTML elements on tile for easy visual customization.
Remove dependency on plone.directives.form and latest traces of Grok.
Fix exception getting image size with ImageScaling adapter (refs. #87).

2.0b4 (2016-11-03)

Do not try to create scales on news article with no lead image;
this was causing issues in some Collection view methods and in collective.cover’s Collection tile (fixes #178).

2.0b3 (2016-09-12)

Fix issue in NITF tile that was causing an exception when dropping content into it (fixes #175).

2.0b2 (2016-07-27)

The getImage() and imageCaption() methods of the NITF class are deprecated and will be removed on next release;
use image() and media_caption() instead.
Fix issue with collective.nitf.image viewlet raising AttributeError when is installed (closes #169).
Use <p> tag to display the News Article subtitle to avoid warnings on validation.
Fix exception when syndicalize NITF (closes #161).
Fix tile date format.
Avoid rising exceptions when content referenced in tile is not available (fixes #154).
[hvelarde, rodfersou]
Remove hard dependency on as Archetypes is no longer the default framework in Plone 5.
Under Plone < 5.0 you should now explicitly add it to the eggs part of your buildout configuration to avoid issues while upgrading.

2.0b1 (2016-02-29)

Show title of news article as alt attribute on tile’s image.
Fix upgrade step to work with both, Archetypes and Dexterity-based collections.

2.0a1 (2015-09-30)

Upgrades are supported only from release 1.0b3.

Make control panel configlet accesible to Site Administrator role (closes #137).
Load Cycle2 resources from the JS registry if available (closes #133).
Fix display of byline and refactor override of documentbyline viewlet;
avoid performance issues when having many users by memoizing expensive call to Membership tool (fixes #128).
[hvelarde, rodfersou]
Replace slideshow framework machinery;
we use Cycle2 now instead of Galleria.
Don’t forget do uninstall and remove collective.js.galleria if you no longer depend on it on your site (closes #116).
[rodfersou, hvelarde]
Fix default values for genre and urgency fields (closes #118).
Add NITF tile for collective.cover (closes #123).
Reimplement section field as a behavior (closes #98).
Drop support of Plone 4.2.
Remove dependency on collective.z3cform.widgets.
Don’t forget do uninstall and remove the package if you no longer depend on it on your site.
Update package i18n and Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese translations.
Restore default binding on Link content type at uninstall time.
Add Current as default value for available_genres and General as
default value for available_sections.
Character counter code was removed from package; this should be
reimplemented using collective.js.charcount (closes #75).
Package was cleaned by removing some dependencies,
deprecated methods on default view,
unused macros from templates,
and needless resources, scripts and styles.
[marcosfromero, hvelarde]
Remove all javascript from templates, create new nitf.js and use
jsregistry (closes #94). [marcosfromero]
Add confirmation overlay before removing an image in
(closes #85). [marcosfromero]
Add required script library in to prevent image not loading
when editing in overlay (closes #84). [marcosfromero]
Fields were reordered to enhance user experience on adding/editing content:
‘location’ field is now above ‘body text’ and ‘urgency’ is below ‘genre’.
Reimplement keywords and documentbyline viewlets with semantic markup and
support for news article byline for INITF interface.
[jpgimenez, hvelarde, cleberjsantos]
Refactor templates to implement semantic markup to annotate news-specific
metadata using rNews, and RDFa (closes #47).
[jpgimenez, marcosfromero, hvelarde]
Add as a dependency; this is needed for Dexterity
to proper handle relations (closes #71). [jpgimenez]
Remove five.grok dependency, will easy the mainteinance and the
extendibility of the package. [jpgimenez]
Changes image link behavior in for mobile devices
(closes #62). [marcosfromero]


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