Confy | Coderz Repository


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confy to load YAML based configuration file.
Why #
I love yaml <3
Features #

Load global configuration file .confy.yaml or .confy.yml.
Load specific configuration file conditionally based. or

Usage #

Add your global configuration .confy.yml in the same dart application directory.
Optionally add another envy file to override specific environment keys
Load Confy as follows.

import "package:confy/confy.dart";

main() {
// to load configuration files global and another one based on APP_ENV environment.
confyLoad(environmentResolver: () => Platform.environment["APP_ENV"]);

print("name ${confy("NAME")}");
print("description ${confy("DESC")}");
print("environment path: ${confy("PATH")}"); // from System Environment set ./examples/.confy.yml

final v = confy("APP.VERSION");

final appVersion = "${v?["MAJOR"]}.${v?["MINOR"]}.${v?["PATCH"]}";

print("app version: $appVersion");

print("key not exist ${confy("MY_SECRET", defaultValue: 123)}");

confySet("NAME", "Edited"); // useful when doing unit testing
print("name ${confy("NAME")}");
// ... your code
copied to clipboard


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