Cr File Saver | Coderz Product


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cr file saver

cr_file_saver #

Cleveroad introduces file saver for Flutter #
Features: #

Request WriteExternalStoragePermission for Android if needed.
Save file to downloads directory on Android or Document folder on IOS.
Save file through standard file saving dialog.

Future features: #

Saving file to a specific directory.

Setup #
In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency:
cr_file_saver: ^0.0.2
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If you are using android 9 and below add this permission to project manifest:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
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Add permissions in ios folder, go to ios/Runner/info.plist and add next keys:
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In your dart file add the following import:
import 'package:cr_file_saver/cr_file_saver.dart';
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Usage #
CRFileSaver has several static methods to work with:

requestWriteExternalStoragePermission to check for permission and ask it if needed.
saveFile simply saving file with provided file path and desired file name.
saveFileWithDialog save file through standard file saving dialog. Note that this method will throw NoResolvedActivityException if Android device has 30 api or higher


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