Cropy 0.3 | Coderz Product

cropy 0.3

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cropy 0.3

Command line tool and module to crop an image to a specific resolution removing less important parts first.
First started with the approch of this publication but seems a bit complex and slow (
cropy uses entropy information to identify slices of the image with less informations.

To use with command line:
cropy -i [input image] -r [width] [height] -o [output name] -s [maxSteps]

input image : location of the image to crop
width, eight : dimensions of the resultant cropped image
output name : name of the output image (default : original_name.width.eight.orginal_extension)
maxSteps : number of iteration : greater means more precision but slower (default : 10)

More info and examples on

You can install cropy using pip:
$ pip install cropy
Note that cropy requires scikit-learn, which itself is based on numpy and scipy and requires cython to compile.

Possible upgrade

locate faces inside image to prevent removing
locate text on images to crop first

Inspired from slycrop (php entropy based crop) :


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