Csv2oerp 0.7.3 | Coderz Product

csv2oerp 0.7.3

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csv2oerp 0.7.3

csv2oerp is a Python converter from the csv format to OpenERP data record.
csv2oerp is an easy way to import records from heterogeneous datas by editing
a simple script as the manner of OpenERP data model.
You can specify pre-treatment(s) before any records insertions, you can also,
according to criteria, omit the insertion of an entire record, mofify it or just
create it (CRUD abilities).
Some features of csv2oerp include abilities of Python csv module to specify
input file configuration. It also include somme abilities of some third party
library according to your needs.

Quick start
#!/usr/bin/env python
#.. your_script.py
from csv2oerp import Model, Field, Openerp, Session

# Configure OpenERP connection

oerp = Openerp(
host='', port=8069,
user='admin', pwd='admin', dbname='database',

# Create a new importation instance::

session = Session(
'file.csv', delimiter=';', quotechar='"', encoding='utf-8',
offset=1, limit=10)

# Define your mapping to link both csv and OpenERP::

# res.partner is unique by siren and will not be updated if exists
res_partner = Model('res.partner', fields=[
Field('name', columns=[1]),
Field('siren', columns=[2]),
Field('website', columns=[16]),
], update=False, search=['siren'])

# res.country is unique by code and name and will not be updated if exists
res_country = Model('res.country', fields=[
Field('code', columns=[13], default='FR'),
Field('name', columns=[13], default='FRANCE'),
], update=False, search=['code', 'name'])

# res.partner.address is unique by type and partner_id
res_partner_address = Model('res.partner.address', fields=[

# Simple fields, some with default value and some unique between records
Field('zip', columns=[9], default='35000'),
Field('city', columns=[10], default='RENNES'),
Field('phone', column=[14]),
Field('fax', columns=[15]),
Field('email', columns=[17], unique=True),
Field('cedex', columns=[68]),

# Mixing columns (by concatenation or selection)
Field('street', columns=[7, 6], method='selection'),
Field('street2', columns=[8, 5], method='concatenate'),

# Model's relations with res.partner which must exists
Field('country_id', relation=res_country),
Field('partner_id', relation=res_partner, required=True),

# Adding a custom value to a missing field in the `csv` file
Field('type', custom='delivery'),
], search=['type', 'partner_id'])

# Finally join objects to the session which starts the import process

# There is no particular needs to also inject res.partner model, as it's
# already contained as a relation of res.partner.address
session.bind(oerp, [res_partner_address, ])

# Optionaly: show statistics of records's activities during the importation process


Supported Desktop versions
All architectures.

Supported Python versions
csv2oerp support Python versions 2.6 and 2.7.

This software is made available under the LGPLv3 license.

Bugs or suggestions
Please, feel free to report bugs or suggestions in the Bug Tracker!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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