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ctds 1.14.0
cTDS is a full Python DB API-2.0-compliant
SQL Server database library for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X supporting
both Python 2 and Python 3.
The full documentation for cTDS can be found
Supports Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and up.
Complete DB API-2.0 support.
Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.3, Python 3.4, Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, and Python 3.9 support.
Bulk insert (bcp) support.
Written entirely in C.
See installation instructions
for more information on installing FreeTDS.
Publishing new versions of the egg and documentation is automated using a
Github Actions workflow.
Official releases are marked using git
tags. Pushing the
tag to the git remote will trigger the automated deployment. E.g.
git tag -a v1.2.3 -m 'v1.2.3'
git push --tags
Generate documentation using the following:
tox -e docs
# Generated to build/docs/
Documentation is hosted on GitHub Pages.
As such, the source code for the documentation pages must be committed
to the gh-pages branch in
order to update the live documentation.
Local development and testing is supported on Linux-based systems running
tox and Docker. Docker containers are used for running a local instance
of SQL Server on Linux. Only Docker and tox are required for running
tests locally on Linux or OS X systems. pyenv is recommended for managing
multiple local versions of Python. By default all tests are run against
the system version of FreeTDS. GNU Make targets are provided to make
compiling specific FreeTDS versions locally for testing purposes. For
# Run tests against FreeTDS version 1.1.24
make test-1.1.24
Development and testing will require an instance of SQL Server on Linux
running for validation. A script, ./scripts/, is provided
to start a Docker container running the database and create the login used
by the tests.
# Start a docker-based SQL Server instance.
# The default tox targets will do this automatically for you.
make start-sqlserver
# Run tests as needed ...
# Stop the docker-base SQL Server instance.
make stop-sqlserver
Testing is designed to be relatively seamless using Docker containers
and SQL Server on Linux. The pytest framework is used for running
the automated tests.
To run the tests against the system version of FreeTDS and Python,
GNU make targets are provided for convenience and to provide a standard
method for building and installing the various versions of FreeTDS used
in testing. Most targets are wrappers around tox or replicate some
behavior in the CI/CD automation.
To run the tests against an arbitrary version of FreeTDS:
# Python X.Y & FreeTDS Z.ZZ.ZZ
make test_X.Y_Z.ZZ.ZZ
To run tests against all supported versions of FreeTDS and Python
and additional linting and metadata checks:
make check
valgrind is utilized to ensure memory is managed properly and to detect
defects such as memory leaks, buffer overruns, etc. Because valgrind
requires Python is compiled with specific flags, a Docker file is provided
to compile Python as necessary to run the test suite under valgrind.
To run test test suite under valgrind:
make valgrind
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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