Cumason123 Cloudevents 1.1.8 | Coderz Product

cumason123-cloudevents 1.1.8

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cumason123cloudevents 1.1.8

Python SDK for CloudEvents

This SDK is still considered a work in progress, therefore things might (and
will) break with every update.
This SDK current supports the following versions of CloudEvents:


Python SDK
Package cloudevents provides primitives to work with CloudEvents specification:
Sending CloudEvents
Below we will provide samples on how to send cloudevents using the popular
requests library.
Binary HTTP CloudEvent
from cloudevents.http import CloudEvent, to_binary_http
import requests

# This data defines a binary cloudevent
attributes = {
"type": "com.example.sampletype1",
"source": "",
data = {"message": "Hello World!"}

event = CloudEvent(attributes, data)
headers, body = to_binary_http(event)

# POST"<some-url>", data=body, headers=headers)

Structured HTTP CloudEvent
from cloudevents.http import CloudEvent, to_structured_http
import requests

# This data defines a structured cloudevent
attributes = {
"type": "com.example.sampletype2",
"source": "",
data = {"message": "Hello World!"}
event = CloudEvent(attributes, data)
headers, body = to_structured_http(event)

# POST"<some-url>", data=body, headers=headers)

You can find a complete example of turning a CloudEvent into a HTTP request in the samples directory.
Request to CloudEvent
The code below shows how to consume a cloudevent using the popular python web framework
from flask import Flask, request

from cloudevents.http import from_http

app = Flask(__name__)

# create an endpoint at http://localhost:/3000/
@app.route("/", methods=["POST"])
def home():
# create a CloudEvent
event = from_http(request.get_data(), request.headers)

# you can access cloudevent fields as seen below
f"Found {event['id']} from {event['source']} with type "
f"{event['type']} and specversion {event['specversion']}"

return "", 204

if __name__ == "__main__":

You can find a complete example of turning a CloudEvent into a HTTP request in the samples directory.
SDK versioning
The goal of this package is to provide support for all released versions of CloudEvents, ideally while maintaining
the same API. It will use semantic versioning with following rules:

MAJOR version increments when backwards incompatible changes is introduced.
MINOR version increments when backwards compatible feature is introduced INCLUDING support for new CloudEvents version.
PATCH version increments when a backwards compatible bug fix is introduced.


There are bi-weekly calls immediately following the Serverless/CloudEvents
call at
9am PT (US Pacific). Which means they will typically start at 10am PT, but
if the other call ends early then the SDK call will start early as well.
See the CloudEvents meeting minutes
to determine which week will have the call.
Slack: #cloudeventssdk channel under
CNCF's Slack workspace.
Contact for additional information: Denis Makogon (@denysmakogon on slack).

We use black and isort for autoformatting. We setup a tox environment to reformat
the codebase.
pip install tox
tox -e reformat

For information on releasing version bumps see


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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