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cuts 0.37.7
Utility for cutting out portions of each line of a file, and rearranging
the remaining contents as desired.
Based on the Unix utility ‘cut.’ The goal is to enhance the capabilities
of cut to allow rearranging, negative indexing, flexible delimiting
output, and proper handling of multiple instances of input delimiters.
pip install cuts
usage: cuts [-h] [-b BYTES] [-c CHARS] [-f FIELDS] [-d DELIMITER] [-e]
[-s][-S SEPARATOR] [file [file …]]
Remove and/or rearrange sections from each line of a file(s).
positional arguments:
file File(s) to cut
optional arguments:
-h, –help show this help message and exit
-b BYTES, –bytes BYTES Bytes to select
-c CHARS, –chars CHARS Character to select
-f FIELDS, –fields FIELDS Fields to select
-d DELIMITER, –delimiter DELIMITER Sets field delimiter(default is TAB)
-e, –regex Enable regular expressions to be used as input delimiter
-s, –skip Skip lines that do not contain input delimiter.
-S SEPARATOR, –separator SEPARATOR Sets field separator for output.
List Specification
Each of the arguments -b,-c, and -f expect a list of positions as an
argument. This list should be comma delimited, and allows for negative
Additionally, the list may include ascii characters. If included, these
characters will override the output delimiter with that character.
Ranges are permitted in the list, using a colon as below
N:M All input positions from N to M
N: All input positions from N to end of line
:M All input positions from beginning of line to M
Position counting starts from one.
Each line of an arbitrary number of files may be optionally cut by
naming them each after all other parameters are set. The file names
should be separated by a space.
If no files are specified, or a ‘-’ is used, STDIN is used.
Cuts input by byte, as specified by LIST.
Cuts input by character, as specified by LIST.
Cuts input into fields separated by the input delimiter.
echo "this is just a test" | cuts -f 1,X,3:5 -d " " -S "." Output:
Specifies input delimiter for fields option. Default is tab character
If the option -e is set, the delimiter will accept regular expressions,
allowing for multiple delimiters.
Specifies output delimiter. Will be overridden by ascii character in
position list.
See also
Development notes
Project is still under development. Any questions or comments, please
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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