Cv2 Py Side6 3.1.0 | Coderz Repository

cv2PySide6 3.1.0

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cv2PySide6 3.1.0

Python package which combines OpenCV-Python and PySide6.
PySide6 provides powerful tools to acquire video stream from file or device, and to display it on GUI.
cv2 is a de facto standard module for image analysis with Python.
It is natural to process the image with cv2 and display it using PySide6.
cv2PySide6 is a package to help build the video frame pipeline for this purpose.
It provides the object to convert PySide6.QVideoFrame to numpy.ndarray, and widget to directly display the array.
Before you install, be careful for other Qt-dependent packages installed in your environment.
For example, non-headless OpenCV-Python modifies the Qt dependency thus making PySide6 unavailable.
cv2PySide6 can be installed using pip.
$ pip install cv2PySide6

How to use
User can construct a pipeline which converts QVideoFrame to ndarray, performs any desired processing and displays to the widget.

Video display pipeline

QVideoFrame to ndarray
QVideoFrame is acquired from media file (PySide6.QMediaPlayer) or camera capture session (PySide6.QMediaCaptureSession) by setting PySide6.QVideoSink to them and listening to QVideoSink.videoFrameChanged signal.
To convert it, pass the video frame cv2PySide6.FrameToArrayConverter and listen to FrameToArrayConverter.arrayChanged signal.

(Note) If you want to convert a single PySide6.QImage to ndarray, qimage2ndarray package provides handy functions.

Displaying ndarray
cv2PySide6.NDArrayLabel is a widget to directly display ndarray.
It can also scale the image with respect to the widget size, and user can select the scaling mode.
Convenience classes
For convenience, cv2PySide6 provides NDArrayVideoPlayer and NDArrayMediaCaptureSession which inherits their PySide6 counterparts and emits arrayChanged signal.
NDArrayVideoPlayerWidget and NDArrayCameraWidget are the minimal implementation to display the video stream with them.
However, time-consuming image processing will block the GUI with these classes because they use a single thread.
To build multithread pipeline, refer to the examples and build the pipeline yourself.
Use cases with multithreading are provided in examples directory.
They can be found in documentation as well.
Documentation can be found on Read the Docs:

If you want to build the document yourself, clone the source code and install with [doc] option.
Go to doc directory and build.
$ pip install cv2PySide6[doc]
$ cd doc
$ make html


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