3 D Boxes Background | Coderz Product

3D Boxes Background

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Creating a 3D boxes background is a visually appealing way to enhance the design of an app or website. This design element can give a sense of depth and interactivity to the interface, making it more dynamic and engaging. In a mobile navigation app, a 3D box background can be used creatively to represent different sections or highlight interactive content like movies, shows, or settings.


Depth Perception:

  • The design gives the illusion of depth through shadows, perspective, and layering.
  • Different layers of boxes or cards appear to be positioned at varying depths.

2. Hover/Animation Effects:

  • When users interact with the 3D boxes (e.g., by hovering or tapping), the boxes can animate or move in 3D space.
  • Animations like rotation, scaling, or sliding make the experience more interactive and dynamic.

3. Perspective Shifting:

  • The boxes can shift in perspective when users scroll, swipe, or tilt the device, creating an immersive effect.
  • For instance, boxes might move closer or further away from the screen depending on user actions.

4. Parallax Scrolling:

  • Parallax scrolling is often used in conjunction with 3D effects, where different layers move at different speeds when scrolling, enhancing the 3D effect.
  • This creates a layered movement where the background moves slower than the foreground.

5. Shadow Effects:

  • Soft or sharp shadows around the boxes add realism, as objects in real life cast shadows based on their distance from the viewer and light source.
  • Shadows help in giving a floating or hovering effect to the 3D boxes.

6. Interactive 3D Cards or Panels:

  • Instead of just static boxes, you can create interactive 3D cards that represent movies, shows, or other content, which can rotate or scale based on user interactions.

7. Color and Lighting:

  • The lighting of the boxes can change depending on the angle of interaction, allowing different visual effects like highlighting or highlight transitions.


Web Browsers:

  • Google Chrome (Recommended for development because of excellent developer tools).
  • Mozilla Firefox (Has strong support for CSS3 and WebGL).
  • Safari (Important for iOS users, as it supports advanced 3D rendering and animations).


  • Install a Code Editor:

    • Download and install Visual Studio Code (VS Code) or another code editor like Sublime Text or Atom.
  • Install Node.js (Optional):

    • If you're planning to use JavaScript libraries like GSAP or Three.js, install Node.js for managing dependencies.
  • Create Project Folder:

    • Create a folder for your project (e.g., 3d-boxes-background).
  • Create Project Files:

    • Inside your project folder, create:
      • index.html (HTML file)
      • styles.css (CSS file)
      • scripts.js (JavaScript file, optional)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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