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3dwalletgenerator 0.2.0
This project helps you design and export 3D-printable wallets, similar to paper wallets (but they won’t die in a flood)
Everyone who’s seriously serious about bitcoin has tried paper wallet
generators. While the idea is great, paper isn’t a great medium out of
which to make something that stores significant value. This this in
mind, we set out to make a simple, easy-to-use software that can design
and export 3D-printable wallets, with a variety of configuration
Python3: this project is designed for Python3, not Python2
PyBitcoin, sudo pip3 install bitcoin (no manual installation required)
PyQRCode, sudo pip3 install pyqrcode (no manual installation required)
OpenSCAD 2015 (or higher), just install from their website, and the
program should find it automatically (submit an issue if it doesn’t) - (manual installation required)
Supports a variety of configuration and size options
Exports wallets as STL
Export keys as CSV-file for import into other software (for big
Set the configuration and let it generate millions of random
wallets for you
Support for other cryptocurrencies, including:
Any other currency (as long as you know the version bit for address generation)
Install pip
Windows: download from their website
Mac: install from MacPorts or Brew
Linux (Ubuntu/Debian): sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Install OpenSCAD
Download from their website
Make sure you are running their newest version (or at least OpenSCAD 2015)
Contact us if you need help.
Install our package
Try: sudo pip3 install 3d-wallet-generator
If it continues to fail, shoot us an email and we’ll try to help.
Use our package
Run 3dwallet -h to see your options
Try the default settings by running 3dwallet - it will output five wallets, with the default settings, into a folder in your current directory.
Play with the other settings and decide how your printer, CNC, etc. likes the different styles.
Film it or take a picture, and give it to us! We’ll add it to our collection!
We recommend you run the Linux version off of a LiveUSB for maximum
security (just as you would with a normal paper wallet).
If you have any comments, questions, or feature requests, either
submit an issue or contact us at
We always accept donations at
1MF7hKShzq2iSV9ZZ9hEx6ATnHQpFtM7cF!! Please donate, this project
took a bunch of effort and we want to make sure it was worth it.
To Do / Features Coming Soon
Add pictures
Add option to import your own addresses/private keys
Offset the white in the QR code (instead of just offsetting the
If you want any of these developed faster, send us a gift to our donation address above.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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