Dardrive 0.2.11b13 | Coderz Product

dardrive 0.2.11b13

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dardrive 0.2.11b13

Warning! needs beta testing!
Dardrive is a command line backup tool which keeps track of backup jobs and
automates backup rotation.
It uses the Disc ARchive program to store
backups and has many features such as differential backup via catalogued data,
par2 integration, per job configuration, backup rotation, email reporting, and
mysql integration among other things.
The idea behind dardrive is to store catalogs in fast media while storing the
backup content in large and slow cloud storage (it was written with s3ql in
mind). Creating differential backups against the cataloged data saves network
traffic and IOPs.
Dardrive uses a full+incremental backup scheme which saves the last full backup
from previous months as “historic” backups, you’ll end up with a (time)
configurable amount of incremental archives between full backups, plus
“monthly” and “yearly” historic backups.
Read the docs here.

Release date: UNRELEASED


Fixed orphan catalogs bug.
Ask the user to confirm passwords (thanks @jayme-github)


Fix: The import command now works as expected
Fix: recover -f used to fail when recovering large amounts of files
recover command adds a new -x switch


Bugfix to the purge routine.


Stats are preserved from rotation
There’s a command to reset stats
“stats” command was moved to “show stats”
Fix: It is now possible to show stats while a backup is running.


The “show archive” code now correctly displays the time.
archive_store and catalog_store are now validated, and report an error.
Catch and report errors when saving extended attributes.
Added an option which disables xattr writing.
Now dardrive detects and reports when archive_store and catalog_store
point to the same location.
Added a “show ver” subcommand that shows the dardrive version.
Show archives now reports running jobs.
Check for path existence where rebuilding the catalogs.
Fix dmd rebuilding locking bug


Initial GH import! (http://github.com/jfardello/dardrive)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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