Dart Casing | Coderz Repository


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dart casing

dart_casing #

The dart_casing package provides various casing utilities to convert strings between different cases. Below are the supported cases with examples:
Installation #
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
dart_casing: <latest version>
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Usage #
import 'package:dart_casing/dart_casing.dart';

var text = "Lorem-ipsum_dolor\\SIT amet";

// Camel Case
print(Casing.camelCase(text)); // loremIpsumDolorSitAmet
print(Casing.camelCase("myPascalCaseWord")); // myPascalCaseWord

// Pascal Case
print(Casing.pascalCase(text)); // LoremIpsumDolorSitAmet
print(Casing.pascalCase("myCamelCaseWord")); // MyCamelCaseWord

// Title Case
print(Casing.titleCase(text)); // Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
print(Casing.titleCase("my_snake_case_word")); // My Snake Case Word

// Snake Case
print(Casing.snakeCase(text)); // lorem_ipsum_dolor_sit_amet
print(Casing.snakeCase("myCamelCaseWord")); // my_camel_case_word

// Kebab Case
print(Casing.kebabCase(text)); // lorem-ipsum-dolor-sit-amet
print(Casing.kebabCase("MyPascalCaseWord")); // my-pascal-case-word

// Dot Case
print(Casing.dotCase(text)); // lorem.ipsum.dolor.sit.amet
print(Casing.dotCase("myCamelCaseWord")); // my.camel.case.word

// Constant Case
print(Casing.constantCase(text)); // LOREM_IPSUM_DOLOR_SIT_AMET
print(Casing.constantCase("myCamelCaseWord")); // MY_CAMEL_CASE_WORD

// Lower Case
print(Casing.lowerCase(text, separator: " ")); // lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
print(Casing.lowerCase("MY_CONSTANT_CASE_WORD"));// my constant case word

// Upper Case
print(Casing.upperCase(text, separator: " ")); // LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET
print(Casing.upperCase("myCamelCaseWord")); // MY CAMEL CASE WORD
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Notes #

The package handles various input formats, including CamelCase, PascalCase, snake_case, kebab-case, dot.case, Title Case, CONSTANT_CASE, and words separated by spaces or other symbols.

You can also specify a custom separator for titleCase, lowerCase, and upperCase methods to join the words.

Issues #
Please file any issues, bugs or feature request here.
License #
This project is licensed under the MIT License


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