Dart Inversion Of Control | Coderz Repository


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dart inversion of control

Dartioc #
A simple library to facilitate inversion of control in dart. Supports registering multiple
container instances that hold bindings to dependencies. Bindings can be declared as singletons.
You can find the package at: https://pub.dev/packages/dart_inversion_of_control
Installing #
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
dart_inversion_of_control: ^1.0.0
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You can install packages from the command line:
dart pub get
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Usage #
A simple usage example:
void main() {
Container('user').register(User, () => User());

var user = Container('user').locate(User);
print(user.name); // Generic

Container('user').register(User, () => Bob());

user = Container('user').locate(User);
print(user.name); // Bob

Container('user').register(User, () => Alice());

user = Container('user').locate(User);
print(user.name); // Alice

// register a singleton
Container('user').register(User, () => Alice(), singleton: true);
Container('user').locate(User).printName(); // Alice

// register a singleton
Container('user').register(User, () => Bob(), singleton: true);
Container('user').locate(User).printAge(); // 20

class User {
String name = 'Generic';

class Bob extends User {
String name = 'Bob';

void printAge() {

class Alice extends User {
String name = 'Alice';

void printName() {
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