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dartz #
Functional programming in Dart
Type class hierarchy in the spirit of cats, scalaz and the standard Haskell libraries
Immutable, persistent collections, including IVector, IList, IMap, IHashMap, ISet and AVLTree
Option, Either, State, Tuple, Free, Lens and other tools for programming in a functional style
Evaluation, a Reader+Writer+State+Either+Future swiss army knife monad
Type class instances (Monoids, Traversable Functors, Monads and so on) for included types, as well as for several standard Dart types
Conveyor, an implementation of pure functional streaming
Examples, showcasing core concepts
New to functional programming?
A good place to start learning is the excellent Functional Programming in Scala by Paul Chiusano and RĂșnar Bjarnason. I can not recommend this book highly enough.
You can also take a look at Category Theory for Programmers by Bartosz Milewski.
Starting with version 0.10.0, Dart 2.12+ is required
0.9.x supports Dart 1 and older Dart 2 versions
Basic type class structure and collection classes are relatively stable, but might see restructuring in future releases
Optimized for dart2js/node/v8, with performance on the dart vm being of distant secondary concern
Most things are stack safe and reasonably efficient, but there are a couple of exceptions and plenty of room for further optimizations
The streaming/conveyor stuff is highly experimental
The lens implementation is experimental and very bare bones
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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