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debounce throttle function
TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users
know whether this package might be useful for them.
About #
CommonStreamUtils extends the capabilities of Dart Streams and RxDart.
Dart comes with decent and powerful Streams API out-of-the-box,but they are clumsy to implement some features like:debounce、throttle
Now you can use it easily and gracefully in just one line of code!
Getting started #
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Features #
Wait for changes to stop before notifying.
Notifies once per Duration for a value that keeps changing.
Usage #
For Example: throttle user button click down to 1000milliseconds(1 click per second)
onPressed: () {
CommonStreamUtils.throttleFunction(() {
},milliseconds: 1000);
copied to clipboard
For Example: debounce user button click down to 1000milliseconds(1 click per second)
onPressed: () {
CommonStreamUtils.debounceFunction(() {
},milliseconds: 1000);
copied to clipboard
Additional information #
TODO: Tell users more about the package: where to find more information, how to
contribute to the package, how to file issues, what response they can expect
from the package authors, and more.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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