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Dart Decimals #
This project enable to make computations on decimal numbers without losing precision like double operations.
For instance :
// with double
print(0.2 + 0.1); // displays 0.30000000000000004
// with decimal
print(Decimal.parse('0.2') + Decimal.parse('0.1')); // displays 0.3
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Usage #
To use this library in your code :
add a dependency in your pubspec.yaml :
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add import in your dart code :
import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart';
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Start computing using Decimal.parse('1.23').
Hint : To make your code shorter you can define a shortcut for Decimal.parse :
final d = (String s) => Decimal.parse(s);
d('0.2') + d('0.1'); // => 0.3
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Formatting with intl #
You can use the intl package to format decimal
with DecimalFormat from the package:decimal/intl.dart library:
import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart';
import 'package:decimal/intl.dart';
main() {
var value = Decimal.parse('1234.56');
var formatter = DecimalFormatter(NumberFormat.decimalPattern('en-US'));
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Tip: you can define an extension to make it more fluent:
extension on Decimal {
String formatWith(NumberFormat formatter) => formatter.format(DecimalIntl(this));
main() {
var value = Decimal.parse('1234.56');
var formatter = DecimalFormatter(NumberFormat.decimalPattern('en-US'));
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WARNING: For now (2024.05.30) intl doesn't work with NumberFormat.maximumFractionDigits greater than 15 on web plateform and 18 otherwise.
Parsing with intl #
You can use the NumberFormat from intl package to parse formatted decimals
var currencyFormatter = DecimalFormatter(NumberFormat.simpleCurrency(name: 'USD'));
currencyFormatter.parse('\$3.14'); // => 3.14
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License #
Apache 2.0
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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