Deeplite Profiler 1.2.3 | Coderz Repository

deeplite-profiler 1.2.3

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deepliteprofiler 1.2.3

Deeplite Profiler
To be able to use a deep learning model in research and production, it is essential to understand different performance metrics of the model beyond just the model's accuracy. deeplite-profiler helps to easily and effectively measure the different performance metrics of a deep learning model. In addition to the existing metrics in the deeplite-profiler, users could seamlessly contribute any custom metric to measure using the profiler. deeplite-profiler could also be used to compare the performance between two different deep learning models, for example, a teacher and a student model. deeplite-profiler currently supports PyTorch and TensorFlow Keras (v1) as two different backend frameworks.

Deeplite Profiler

Install using pip
Install from source
Install in Dev mode

How to Use

For a PyTorch Model
For a TensorFlow Model
Output Display

Contribute a Custom Metric

Install using pip
Use following command to install the package from our internal PyPI repository.
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install deeplite-profiler[`backend`]

Install from source
$ git clone
$ pip install .[`backend`]

One can install specific backend modules, depending on the required framework and compute support. backend could be one of the following values

torch: to install a torch specific profiler
tf: to install a TensorFlow specific profiler (this supports only CPU compute)
tf-gpu: to install a TensorFlow-gpu specific profiler (this supports both CPU and GPU compute)
all: to install both torch and TensorFlow specific profiler (this supports only CPU compute for TensorFlow)
all-gpu: to install both torch and TensorFlow-gpu specific profiler (for GPU environment) (this supports both CPU and GPU compute for TensorFlow)

Install in Dev mode
$ git clone
$ pip install -e .[`backend`]
$ pip install -r requirements-test.txt

To test the installation, one can run the basic tests using pytest command in the root folder.

NOTE: Currently, we support Tensorflow 1.14 and 1.15 versions, for Python 3.6 and 3.7. We do not support Python 3.8+.

How to Use
For a PyTorch Model
# Step 1: Define native pytorch dataloaders and model
# 1a. data_splits = {"train": train_dataloder, "test": test_dataloader}
data_splits = /* ... load iterable data loaders ... */
model = /* ... load native deep learning model ... */

# Step 2: Create Profiler class and register the profiling functions
data_loader = TorchProfiler.enable_forward_pass_data_splits(data_splits)
profiler = TorchProfiler(model, data_splits, name="Original Model")
profiler.register_profiler_function(ComputeEvalMetric(get_accuracy, 'accuracy', unit_name='%'))

# Step 3: Compute the registered profiler metrics for the PyTorch Model
profiler.compute_network_status(batch_size=1, device=Device.CPU, short_print=False,
include_weights=True, print_mode='debug')

# Step 4: Compare two different models or profilers.
profiler2 = profiler.clone(model=deepcopy(model)) # Creating a dummy clone of the current profiler = "Clone Model", short_print=False, batch_size=1, device=Device.CPU, print_mode='debug')

For a TensorFlow Model
# Step 1: Define native tensorflow dataloaders and model
# 1a. data_splits = {"train": train_dataloder, "test": test_dataloader}
data_splits = /* ... load iterable data loaders ... */
model = /* ... load native deep learning model ... */

# Step 2: Create Profiler class and register the profiling functions
data_loader = TFProfiler.enable_forward_pass_data_splits(data_splits)
profiler = TFProfiler(model, data_splits, name="Original Model")
profiler.register_profiler_function(ComputeEvalMetric(get_accuracy, 'accuracy', unit_name='%'))

# Step 3: Compute the registered profiler metrics for the Tensorflow Keras Model
profiler.compute_network_status(batch_size=1, device=Device.CPU, short_print=False,
include_weights=True, print_mode='debug')

# Step 4: Compare two different models or profilers.
profiler2 = profiler.clone(model=model) # Creating a dummy clone of the current profiler = "Clone Model", short_print=False, batch_size=1, device=Device.CPU, print_mode='debug')

Output Display
An example output of the deeplite-profiler for resnet18 model using the standard CIFAR100 dataset using PyTorch backend looks as follows
| deeplite Model Profiler |
| Param Name (Original Model) | Value|
| Backend: TorchBackend | |
| Evaluation Metric (%) | 76.8295|
| Model Size (MB) | 42.8014|
| Computational Complexity (GigaMACs) | 0.5567|
| Total Parameters (Millions) | 11.2201|
| Memory Footprint (MB) | 48.4389|
| Execution Time (ms) | 2.6537|

Evaluation Metric: Computed performance of the model on the given data
Model Size: Memory consumed by the parameters (weights and biases) of the model
Computational Complexity: Summation of Multiply-Add Cumulations (MACs) per single image (batch_size=1)
#Total Parameters: Total number of parameters (trainable and non-trainable) in the model
Memory Footprint: Total memory consumed by parameters and activations per single image (batch_size=1)
Execution Time: On NVIDIA TITAN V <>_ GPU, time required for the forward pass per single image (batch_size=1)

A list of different examples to use deeplite-profiler to profiler different PyTorch and TensorFlow models can be found here
Contribute a Custom Metric

NOTE: If you looking for an SDK documentation, please head over here.

We always welcome community contributions to expand the scope of deeplite-profiler and also to have additional new metrics. Please refer to the documentation for the detailed steps on how to design a new metrics. In general, we follow the fork-and-pull Git workflow.

Fork the repo on GitHub
Clone the project to your own machine
Commit changes to your own branch
Push your work back up to your fork
Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes

NOTE: Be sure to merge the latest from "upstream" before making a pull request!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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