Depman 0.3.4 | Coderz Repository

depman 0.3.4

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depman 0.3.4

A lightweight dependency manager for managing project dependencies in multiple contexts. The use case driving development is that of distinguishing between development, testing, and production dependencies in a simple and unified way. However, the application is general purpose and can be used in any project requiring the management of dependencies in multiple contexts.
Currently, only dependencies resolved via apt-get and pip are supported. However, support for other dependency types is planned for future releases (see Future Features for more details).

$ pip install depman

usage: depman [-h] [-f <depfile>] [-t <type>] [-o <outfile>] [--no-header]
<command> [<context>]

A lightweight dependency manager.

positional arguments:
<command> 'satisfy' satisfies the dependencies specified in
<depfile>. 'validate' only validates <depfile> and
does not perform any system operations. 'export'
exports requirements to a specified file (using -o)
<context> The dependency context to perform <command> on

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f <depfile>, --depfile <depfile>
The requirements file to load
-t <type>, --type <type>
Restrict operations to dependencies of this type
-o <outfile>, --outfile <outfile>
File to write results to
--no-header No export header
If not supplied, <depfile> and <context> default to requirements.yml and all, respectively.

Suppose you have the following requirements.yml in your current working directory
- test

- libxml2-dev=2.9.1+dfsg1-5+deb8u2
- libxslt1-dev

- lxml
- Sphinx

- install-from-source:
before: libxslt1-dev

- nose
- coverage

- gevent:
version: '<=1.0.2'
- syn>=0.0.14
- six:
always_upgrade: yes
- numpy
- openopt:
after: numpy

- install-from-source-2:
before: gevent
after: libxslt1-dev
- cleanup:
yatrfile: other_tasks.yml
This file specifies three dependency contexts: dev, test, prod. In general, any top-level key in requirements.yml specifies a dependency context. The one exception to this rule is includes, which defines inclusion relationships between contexts. In this example, the dev context includes the test context, and so will attempt to satisfy the dependencies for the test context in addition to the dev context whenever depman satisfy dev is run from the command line.
Currently, only three dependency types are supported in any context: apt, pip, and yatr. However, support for other dependency types is planned for future releases (see Future Features).
Dependencies are specified in each context under each dependency type as YAML list elements. If the element is a string, the dependency in question will be treated as satisfied if some version of the package denoted by the string exists on the system. For more detailed dependency requirements, the name of the package can be listed as the key to a YAML dictionary of dependency options. This can be seen, for example, in the gevent dependency, in which a version less than or equal to 1.0.2 is specified as a requirement. Additionally, the six package contains the always_upgrade option, which causes depman to always attempt to upgrade the package, regardless of the current version installed.
Package version relations can be specified in various ways. In the prod context, pip is constrained to only install a version of syn that is greater than or equal to 0.0.14. Likewise, in the dev context, apt is constrained to install version 2.9.1+dfsg1-5+deb8u2 of libxml2-dev. And, as seen above, the pip gevent dependency is constrained to a version less than or equal to 1.0.2
Relative dependency satisfaction ordering may be specified by use of the before and after keys. In this example, satisfying the prod context will lead to an invocation of pip to install numpy, followed by a separate invocation of pip to install openopt. Such features are useful for minimizing the hassle of installing of packages that do not properly declare their dependencies. It should be noted that namespaces are not currently supported, so specifying before or after for a name that belongs to multiple dependencies may lead to unexpected results. The before and after keys should only be used when relative ordering is necessary, as unnecessary usage may lead to sub-optimal execution of dependency satisfaction operations.
The yatr dependency is a special type that will invoke yatr to execute the specified task from the specified yatrfile key. For example, the prod context specifies that a task named cleanup defined in other_tasks.yml is to be run. If no yatrfile key is specified, the specified tasks should be defined in a file named yatrfile.yml located in the same directory as the depman requirements file. Unless constrained from doing so by before and after specifications, depman will always attempt to satisfy apt dependencies before pip dependencies, and pip dependencies before running yatr tasks. Thus, the cleanup task will run last in this example if either the prod or all contexts are selected.
yatr “dependencies” are not true dependencies, but task invocations, and thus cannot truly be satisfied. As a result, invoking depman to satisfy a yatr dependency will always cause the task defined therein to be executed. yatr dependencies can be used to perform scripted installs, cleanup and provisioning actions, and other tasks that are otherwise beyond the scope of a lightweight dependency manager.
On the command line, depman also accepts the special context all as a valid parameter. Running depman satisfy all causes depman to satisfy the dependencies in all of the defined dependency contexts. In this example, it would cause depman to satisfy the dependencies for dev, test, and prod. Running depman satisfy is equivalent to running depman satisfy all.
On a machine where none of the specified packages are installed, running depman satisfy all in this example is equivalent to running the following sequence of commands:
$ yatr install-from-source
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install -y libxml2-dev=2.9.1+dfsg1-5+deb8u2 libxslt1-dev
$ yatr install-from-source-2
$ pip install Sphinx coverage gevent==1.0.2 lxml nose numpy six syn
$ pip install openopt
$ yatr -f other_tasks.yml cleanup
Likewise, running depman satisfy test on a fresh machine is equivalent to:
$ pip install coverage nose
Running depman satisfy dev is equivalent to:
$ yatr install-from-source
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install -y libxml2-dev=2.9.1+dfsg1-5+deb8u2 libxslt1-dev
$ pip install Sphinx coverage lxml nose
And running depman satisfy prod is equivalent to:
$ yatr install-from-source-2
$ pip install gevent==1.0.2 numpy six syn
$ pip install openopt
$ yatr -f other_tasks.yml cleanup

Dependencies can also be exported. In this example, running
depman export prod -t pip -o requirements.txt
will produce a file requirements.txt in the current directory that looks like:
# Auto-generated by depman 0.3.4
The header comment can be suppressed by supplying the --no-header option.

Future Features
The following features are planned for future releases:

apt PPA support
Support for other package managers
Top-level package manager options
any context


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