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deTELpy 0.1.13
detelpy Python package
Table of content
detecting Translation Error Landscape: deTEL
Supported Operating Systems
detelpy is available on PyPI
detelpy is also installable from source
Install external requirements (required for rTEL and eTEL only)
Install Mono (required for Thermo .raw file reading on Linux and MacOS)
Install FragPipe (required for rTEL only)
Quick start
Installation instructions
Software Requirements rTEL
Internally tested software versions
Supported OS
How to use?
How to provide the FragPipe installation path?
How to configure the system PATH in Linux?
How to set the PATH and environment variables in Windows
How to use the program option?
Positional arguments
Optional arguments
Example commands
Mode 1: Run the rTEL workflow
Mode 2: Generate a configuration file template
empirical Translation Error Landscape: eTEL
Software Requirements eTEL
Command line options
multinomial Translation Error Landscape: mTEL
Software Requirements mTEL
Command line options mTEL
Examples mTEL
Normal run
Bootstrapping datasets
How to run deTEL on a cluster?
How to containerisation rTEL?
detecting Translation Error Landscape: deTEL
deTEL is a simple pipeline that allows for the exploration of translation errors in mass-spectrometry data.
deTEL consists of two components:
rTEL reveals FDR controlled mass-shifts between expected and observed peptides, potentially translation errors.
eTEL detects translation errors in mass-spectrometry data and explores the empirical translation error landscape.
mTEL is a model fitted to the translation errors detected by eTEL and describes the multinomial translation error landscape and extends the empirical translation error landscape.
deTELpy packages these components into an easy to use Python package.
Supported Operating Systems
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eTel with report
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Tested on:
macOS Ventura 13.4.1
AlmaLinux 9.3
Windows 10
detelpy is available on PyPI
detelpy officially supports Python 3.9+ including 3.10 and 3.11. The latest Python version 3.12 is not supported yet due to
compilation issues on Linux for the wxPython dependency. It might still work on other operating systems.
$ python --version
Python 3.11.4
$ python -m pip install deTELpy
detelpy is also installable from source
$ git clone
Once you have a copy of the source, you can embed it in your own Python package, or install it into your site-packages easily.
$ cd detelpy
$ python3 -m venv detelpy-env
$ source detelpy-env/bin/activate
(detelpy-env) $ python -m pip install .
Please note that if you encounter any problems installing wxpython for any reason, then please install the Python package wxpython individually using a pre-compiled wheel.
Pre-compiled wheels for the various operating systems can be found here:
Here are example commands for Ubuntu 22.04 and the various Python versions...
# for Python 3.9 run:
$ pip install
# for Python 3.10 run:
$ pip install
# for Python 3.11 run:
$ pip install
Once you installed the wxpython package successfully, you should run the pip install command again:
(detelpy-env) $ python -m pip install .
Install external requirements (required for rTEL and eTEL only)
The only requirement for running mTEL is Python. eTEL requires Python and Mono (.Net).
To run our rTEL wrapper around FragPipe and MSFragger you need a fully functional installation of FragPipe in addition to Mono, including
MSFragger, Philosopher and IonQuant. MSFragger, Philosopher and IonQuant could be either downloaded and installed via the
FragPipe GUI
or installed manually. The manual installation requires the download of the tools and the extraction
within the tools subdirectory of the FragPipe installation folder.
MSFragger can be downloaded here.
Philosopher can be downloaded from the GitHub repo here.
Please fetch IonQuant here and copy and paste it into the tools subdirectory.
$ cd fragpipe/tools
$ wget
$ unzip
Your FragPipe tools subdirectory should then look similar to...
[schereme@ddcode-srv2 testing]$ ls -lth binaries/fragpipe_20_0/tools/
total 202M
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 username root 1.5K May 31 2023 batmass-consumer.jar
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 username root 39M May 31 2023 batmass-io-1.30.0.jar
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 username root 2.2M May 31 2023 commons-math3-3.6.1.jar
-rwxr-x---. 1 username root 16M Feb 23 10:36 IonQuant-1.10.12.jar
drwxr-xr-x. 3 username root 4.0K May 31 2023 MSFragger-4.0
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 username root 31K May 31 2023
drwx------. 2 username root 80 Nov 8 16:40 philosopher_v5.1.0_linux_amd64
drwxr-xr-x. 2 username root 58 May 31 2023 PTMProphet
Install Mono (required for reading Thermo .raw files on Linux and MacOS)
Mono is required to read and process Thermo Fisher RAW files according to the documentation.
Installation instruction for mono could be found here for the various operating systems.
On macOS for example you can use brew:
$ brew install mono
On CentOS for example you can use dnf once the Mono repository is enabled:
$ sudo dnf install mono-complete
# OR if you need to disable GPG checks
$ sudo dnf --nogpgcheck install mono-complete
Install FragPipe (required for rTEL only)
Read chapter Software Requirements rTEL.
Quick start
Provided test data
We provide an example test data set and example output files for our users, which can be use for testing or simply to look at. This also gives you the opportunity
to run any of the 3 modules without the need to start with rTEL, which is the computationally very heavy module.
Provided input files and folders:
example_data/fasta/K12_MG1655_aa_decoys_contam.fasta: Search database containing peptide sequences and decoys/reverse sequences
example_data/fasta/K12_MG1655_cds.fasta: Fasta file of coding sequences located, matching the amino acid sequences used for the open search
example_data/PXD011051: RAW file folder downloaded from PRIDE containing 3 Thermo Fisher RAW files
example_data/PXD011051/rtel_output_fragpipe_v21_1/psm.tsv: output file created by the rTEL/open search (by philosopher)
example_data/tRNA_count: tRNA count folder, containing count files for E.coli and Yeast
Provided output files and folders:
example_data/PXD011051/etel_output/PXD011051_substitution_errors.csv: Substitution errors, CSV formatted
example_data/PXD011051/etel_output/PXD011051_peptide_counts.csv: Peptide counts, CSV formatted
example_data/PXD011051/etel_output/PXD011051_codon_counts.csv: Codon counts, CSV formatted
example_data/PXD011051/etel_output/report/PXD011051.html: Visual representation of the analysis results, HTML formatted
Please download the compressed archive from here, unzip it and then continue running detelpy from the terminal.
wget -O
# To run rTEL/eTEL/mTEL with GUI
python -m deTEL
# To run rTEL from command line (CLI: command line interface)
export PATH="$PATH:<absolute-path-to-fragpipe-install-dir>/bin"
python -m deTEL rTEL example_data/fasta/K12_MG1655_aa_decoys_contam.fasta example_data/PXD011051 -p rtel_output
# To run eTEL from command line without the report generation step
python -m deTEL eTEL -f example_data/fasta/K12_MG1655_cds.fasta -psm example_data/PXD011051/rtel_output_fragpipe_v21_1/psm.tsv -s example_data/PXD011051/rtel_output_fragpipe_v21_1 -o example_data/PXD011051/etel_output -decoy rev_ -p PXD011051 -tol 0.005
# To run eTEL from command line including the report generation
python -m deTEL eTEL --generate-report -f example_data/fasta/K12_MG1655_cds.fasta -psm example_data/PXD011051/rtel_output_fragpipe_v21_1/psm.tsv -s example_data/PXD011051/rtel_output_fragpipe_v21_1 -o example_data/PXD011051/etel_output -p PXD011051
# To run mTEL from command line
python -m deTEL mTEL -f example_data/PXD011051/etel_output -r example_data/tRNA_count/ecoli_tRNA_count.csv -o example_data/PXD011051/mtel_output -s 250 -p 100 -c 4.2e-17 -t 10 -b 100 -nb -1 -a n
rTEL reveals FDR controlled mass-shifts between expected and observed peptides, potentially translation errors.
Installation instructions
Software Requirements rTEL
Please make sure you have the following software stack installed before running rTEL.
Python version 3.9+
Java JDK/JRE 9+ or Java OpenJDK
FragPipe version 21.0+, preferable version 21.1
MSFragger version 4.0+
Philosopher version 5.1.0+
IonQuant version 1.10.12+
A few note about FragPipe
For rTEL to work, you require a functional installation of FragPipe. rTEL is just a Python wrapper around FragPipe.
So if any combination of the FragPipe tools, like for instance MSFragger version 4.4.0 and IonQuant version 1.7.16, do not
support each other, then rTEL won't function as well.
Please note that since FragPipe version 18.0, a Java version of 9+ is required. For more information on FragPipe installation requirements,
please have a look at the individual FragPipe release notes here.
The FragPipe installation directory has the following structure:
binaries % ls -l fragpipe
drwxr-xr-x@ bin
drwxr-xr-x@ cache
drwxr-xr-x@ lib
drwxr-xr-x@ tools
drwxr-xr-x@ workflows
This applies for the following FragPipe versions: 17.0+, including the latest version 21.1.
Please do not change this structure. Any changes will result in rTEL not functioning properly.
If you are using the FragPipe GUI for installing external tools like MSFragger, Philosopher or IonQuant automatically,
then it will install these tools by default into the sub folder called 'tools'.
If you make any of these installations manually then please make sure that you install any of the above mentioned tools
into the same 'tools' folder, otherwise rTEL won't be able to resolve all these external binaries.
This is how the FragPipe tools folder should look like:
binaries % ls -l fragpipe/tools
drwxr-xr-x@ diann
drwxr-xr-x@ diann_so
drwxr-xr-x@ fasta
drwxr-xr-x@ MSFragger-4.0
drwxr-xr-x@ philosopher_v5.1.0_linux_amd64
drwxr-xr-x@ speclib
Supported OS
FragPipe only supports Linux and Windows and does NOT support Mac OS X operating systems.
How to use?
How to provide the FragPipe installation path?
How to configure the system PATH in Linux?
By default rTEL will check your systems PATH for the FragPipe binary installation directory.
For changing your system PATH temporarily in your terminal, use the following export command:
export PATH="$PATH:<fragpipe-install-dir>/bin"
For updating your system PATH permanently add the export command above in your bashrc file.
How to set the PATH and environment variables in Windows?
Documentation on how to change your system PATH in Windows can be found here.
How to use the program option?
If you have multiple different version of FragPipe installed on your local machine or cluster, or if the binary has
not been added to the systems path, then we provide an option, which will tell rTEL where to look for the installation folder.
Use the following command to tell rTEL, which FragPipe installation path to use:
python -m deTEL rTEL example_data/fasta/K12_MG1655_aa_decoys_contam.fasta example_data/PXD011051 --fragpipe_bin_dir /usr/local/fragpipe/bin
Positional arguments
FILE: Search database as codon fasta file
DIR: Mass spec RAW file location
Optional arguments
-h: Print out help
-c: The number of threads used for processing by MSFragger and Crystal-C (default=1)
-p: Name of the output folder created within the given RAW file directory
-cd: Folder, which contains the configuration files for MSFragger, Crystal-C and PTM-Shepherd (open_search_params, crystal-c.params and shepherd.config)
-fp: Folder containing the FragPipe binary
-gc: Turns on configuration template generation mode
-iq: Turns on MS1 precursor intensity-based quantification
-v: Turns on verbosity
Example commands
rTEL comes in 2 different modes, one for 1) Running open search and generating the psm file needed for the eTEL step
and a second one for 2) creating a configuration folder, containing configuration files for the various tools like MSFragger,
Crystal-C and PTM-Shepherd.
Mode 1: Run the rTEL workflow
The following command will run open search and generate the psm file needed for eTEL
python -m deTEL rTEL example_data/fasta/K12_MG1655_aa_decoys_contam.fasta example_data/PXD011051
Mode 2: Generate a configuration file template
rTEL is shipped with configuration files for MSFragger, Crystal-C and PTM-Shepherd. By default the program will use these
built in configuration files and all default values. If you would like change any of these configration files and values
then you would have to create your own configuration folder first of all. We provide a command line tool for you to
generate your own configuration folder.
The following command will generate a configuration folder at the location provided. It accepts a relative or absolute
path to the new configuration directory.
python -m deTEL rTEL --generate-config --config_dir test_dir
Running the above command will create a folder called 'test_dir' in the current working directory with the following 3
configuration files as an output.
test_dir % ls -ls
-rw-r--r-- crystal-c.params
-rw-r--r-- open_search.params
-rw-r--r-- shepherd.config
You may now make any changes to the configurable values, but please keep the format and the structure of the configuration
files as it is.
You can then use these customized configuration files for running the rTEL workflow using the --config_dir program option like this:
python -m deTEL rTEL example_data/fasta/K12_MG1655_aa_decoys_contam.fasta example_data/PXD011051 --config_dir test_dir/
empirical Translation Error Landscape: eTEL
eTEL detects the empirical translation error landscape by first performing an open search using MSFragger (see: Perform open search).
The second step is to extract translation errors using custom pythons scripts packaged (see: detect_substitutions).
The output of eTEL can directly be used to fit the mTEL model (see: multinomial Translation Error Landscape: mTEL).
Software Requirements eTEL
Please make sure you have the following software stack installed before running eTEL.
Python version 3.8+
Command line options
-f: Fasta file of coding sequences located, matching the amino acid sequences used for the open search.
-psm: path to psm.tsv file created by the open search (by philosopher).
-s: Folder to which output files are writen.
-o: Output folder
-p: Prefix used for output files
-decoy: identification prefix of decoy sequences (default: rev_)
-tol: m/z tolerance, used to filter DP–BP couples that resemble substitutions and exclude pairs that resemble known PTM (default: 0.005)
-gr: Option to generate a full dataset report, including plots for visualising the results
-r: Option for specifying the mass spec RAW file location (optional). Please note that, by default eTEL expects the RAW files to be present in the parent folder of the given open search output folder (-s option).
The below command will detect substitutions in the specified psm.tsv created by the open search.
Since we may have one experiment and want to collect all files in a common folder, we specify a prefix (Experiment1) to identify the output belonging to each individual experiment.
python -m deTEL eTEL -f project/fasta/s228c_orf_cds.fasta -psm project/open_search_experiment1/psm.tsv -o project/results -p Experiment1
If you would like to generate a full dataset report, including plots for visualising the results, then please use the --generate-report option
python -m deTEL eTEL --generate-report -f project/fasta/s228c_orf_cds.fasta -psm project/open_search_experiment1/psm.tsv -o project/results -p Experiment1
multinomial Translation Error Landscape: mTEL
mTEL uses observed translation errors to estimate a multinomial translation error landscape.
mTEL is based on the competition of tRNAs and estimates affinity parameters between codon/anticodon pairs.
Software Requirements mTEL
Please make sure you have the following software stack installed before running mTEL.
Python version 3.8+
Command line options mTEL
-f: Folder with codon_count and error files.
-r: tRNA count file.
-o: Output folder.
-s: Number of samples of the chain.
-p: Number of posterior samples.
-c: Cell volume assumed (in cubic micrometers), Default: 4.2e-17 (approximate size of a yeast cell).
-t: Number to thin out chain by.
-b: Number of burn-in steps.
-nb: Number of sub-samplings performed.
-os: suffix added to output files (default: date).
-a: aggregate all datasets by summation (y,n) Default: No (n).
Examples mTEL
Normal run
We assume that the folder ecoli contains all needed pairs of *_codon_counts.csv and *_substitution_errors.csv files.
A cell volume of 0.6e-18 is assumed for E. coli. We will collect 1000 samples after disgarding 1000 burn-in samples.
In total, this run will perform (1000 + 1000) * 10 = 20000 steps. The last 200 samples will be used to estimate the posterior distributions of the indivisual parameters.
$ python -m deTEL mTEL -f ecoli -r example_data/tRNA_count/ecoli_tRNA_count.csv -c 0.6e-18 -o output/ecoli/ -s 1000 -p 200 -t 10 -b 1000
Bootstrapping datasets
We can bootstrap datasets as they can show a high variability. This allows us to explore parameter sensitivity and robustness.
This run perfomes 20 resamplings with replacement of the datasets found in the folder yeast, keeping the number of datasets constant.
For each resampling, the model will collect 250 samples after 10 burn-in steps and perform a total of (250 + 10) * 20 = 5200. The last 100 samples of each run will be used to estimate the posterior mean.
$ python -m deTEL mTEL -f yeast -r example_data/tRNA_count/yeast_tRNA_count.csv -c 4.2e-17 -o output/yeast/ -s 250 -p 100 -t 20 -b 10 -nb 20
How to run deTEL on a cluster?
Here we give an example of a bash script for running eTEL on a Slurm cluster. This could be used as a template for
your own cluster setup.
#SBATCH -o .out/etel.out
#SBATCH -e .err/etel.err
#SBATCH --partition=batch
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --time=02:00:00
module load python/3.10.7
PREFIX=($(echo $PSM_FILE | cut -d '/' -f 3 | cut -d '_' -f 1))
python3.10 -m deTEL eTEL -f ${FASTA} -psm ${PSM_FILE} -o ${OUTPUT_FOLDER} -p ${PREFIX}
How to containerisation rTEL?
Building your Docker images
Download FragPipe, MSFragger, Philosopher and IonQuant into a sub-directory called binaries for instance and adjust
line 66 of the Dockerfile, which copies the binaries into the container.
ln 64: COPY binaries/fragpipe_v21 /fragpipe
$ docker build . -f Dockerfile -t atplab/detelpy
Run your image as a container
$ docker run atplab/detelpy
$ docker run -v ./test_data/fasta/s228c_orf_aa_decoys.fasta:/app/inputs/s228c_orf_aa_decoys.fasta -v ./test_data/PXD018591/:/app/inputs/PXD018591/ atplab/detelpy /app/inputs/s228c_orf_aa_decoys.fasta /app/inputs/PXD018591 -p output3
Create an interactive bash shell in the container
$ docker run -it --entrypoint sh atplab/detelpy
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