Difio Openshift Python 2.1.2 | Coderz Repository

difio-openshift-python 2.1.2

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difioopenshiftpython 2.1.2

Difio registration agent for OpenShift / Python applications.
It compiles a list of locally installed Python packages and sends it to

Installing on your OpenShift application
Create an account at <http://www.dif.io>
Create a Python application on OpenShift
rhc-create-app -a myapp -t python-2.6
Add a dependency in your setup.py file
from setuptools import setup

Set your userID in the ./data/DIFIO_SETTINGS file
cd ./myapp/
echo "export DIFIO_USER_ID=YourUserID" > ./data/DIFIO_SETTINGS
OpenShift by default will treat your application as a package. If the name given in
setup.py is different from the name passed to rhc-create-app command then
set the application name in the ./data/DIFIO_SETTINGS file
echo "export DIFIO_APP_NAME='MyApplication'" >> ./data/DIFIO_SETTINGS
This registration script will ignore package names that match the value of
OPENSHIFT_GEAR_NAME and DIFIO_APP_NAME environment variables.
Enable the registration script in .openshift/action_hooks/post_deploy
# Activate VirtualEnv in order to use the correct libraries
source $OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR/python-2.6/virtenv/bin/activate

# Set user defined settings

# Register/update the application
python $OPENSHIFT_HOMEDIR/python-2.6/virtenv/bin/difio-openshift-python
Then push your application to OpenShift
git push
That’s it, you can now check your application statistics at


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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