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djangoobjecttool 0.0.11
django-object-tool let you can customize django administration's object-tools bar. You can add actions to object-tools bar beside add-object button. The definition of object-tool action are almost same as django's default action.
This is a pre alpha version without any unittest, there may have serveral problems and not compatible with some django or python versions.
Quick Start
Write your first admin
Specific view only object tools
Shortcut for hyperlinks
Execute after confirmation
Create a form
Advanced usage
Site wide object tools
Work with your own admin template
Use in reusable apps
Ordering of object tools
Customize button styles
Example app
Change logs
Quick Start
Install django-object-tool by using pip
pip install django-object-tool
then add it to your INSTALLED_APP
# settings
"your app needs object-tool"
All prequisites are set up! See Write your first admin to learn how to use django-object-tool in your project.
Note: We've patched django's default admin site( by default, if you want to write your own admin site, please mix object_tool.CustomObjectToolAdminSiteMixin in your admin site class or direct inherit from object_tool.CustomObjectToolAdminSite.
If you don't want to change the default site generate by django, you can set OBJECT_TOOL_PATCHADMINSITE to False in your settings file.
Write your first admin
The object tool takes a request and an optional object, when this tool called inside a change view, the current editing object will be passed in.
from object_tool import CustomObjectToolModelAdminMixin
class SomeModelAdmin(CustomObjectToolModelAdminMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
object_tools = ("some_action",)
def some_action(self, request, obj=None):
if obj:
obj.some_property = "value"
The definition of object tool's action is almost same as django's default action, except the third parameter of the function is a optional current editing object rather than a queryset.
Specific view only object tools
You can define a object tool only show in changelist view or change view by register it to changelist_object_tools or change_object_tools in your model admin.
from object_tool import CustomObjectToolModelAdminMixin
class SomeModelAdmin(CustomObjectToolModelAdminMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
changelist_object_tools = ("changelist_view_only_action",)
change_object_tools = ("change_view_only_action", )
Shortcut for hyperlinks
You can create a hyperlink object tool like add-object by using, it takes a url as the first parameter and optional short_description as the second parameter.
from object_tool import CustomObjectToolModelAdminMixin, link
class SomeModelAdmin(CustomObjectToolModelAdminMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
object_tools = ("forkme", )
forkme = link(
"Fork me on github")
Execute after confirmation
@object_tool.confirm("are you sure to edit %(obj)s??", "confirm-tool")
def confirm_action(self, request, obj=None):
messages.success(request, "success!")
Create a form
With object_tool.form decorator, it is very easy to create a form view. This decorator takes a Form class as first parameter and it will auto render the form. When form is cleaned, it will actually execute decorated codes.
from object_tool import CustomObjectToolModelAdminMixin, form
class Form(forms.Form):
text = forms.CharField()
class UserAdmin(CustomObjectToolModelAdminMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
object_tools = ("greetings", )
@form(Form, "greetings")
def greetings(self, request, form, obj=None):
text = form.cleaned_data["text"]
tpl = "greetings to {name}: {text}"
if obj:
msg = tpl.format(, text=text)
msg = tpl.format(name="all users", text=text), msg)
Advanced usage
Site wide object tools
You can create a site wide object tool by register your object tool to the admin site which inherited from object_tool.CustomObjectToolAdminSiteMixin. You can set the second parameter of object_tool.CustomObjectToolAdminSiteMixin.add_object_tool to changelist or change if you want to make your object tool appear in changelist view or change view only.
admin_site.add_object_tool(lambda modeladmin, request, obj=None: "some action")
Note: Apparantly, you need to set your model admin's admin_site to the above site which your object tool registered to.
Work with your own admin template
In a object_tool.CustomObjectToolAdminSiteMixin class, rather than extends your template from admin/change_list.html or admin/change_form.html, you should extends admin/object_tool/object-tool-items.html instead.
class SomeModelAdmin(CustomObjectToolModelAdminMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
change_list_template = "template.html"
{% extends 'admin/object_tool/baseview.html' %}
...your template code goes here...
Use in reusable apps
You may run object_tool.ObjectToolConfig.register() in your reusable app's ready method. By doing this, users who use your reusable app needn't to add object_tool to their INSTALLED_APPS. By default this will not replace the default admin site and modeladmin, you need inherit your modeladmin class from object_tool.ObjectToolModelAdminMixin, if you still want to replace the default modeladmin, you need pass True to the register method, but we don't recommend you to do so, this have a side-effect on other apps your installed.
class AppConfig(AppConfig):
name = 'app'
def ready(self):
import object_tool
Ordering of object tools
Refer to the below table which lists the object tools' registration with the highest precedence at the top and lowest at the bottom.
admin site global tools
admin site global specify view tools
tools defined in parent model admins
specify view tools defined in parent model admins
tools defined in current model admin
specify view tools defined in current model admin
Customize button styles
Assign classes property to object tool action can add classes to the object tool button.
def some_action(self, request, obj=None):
some_action.classes = "addlink"
| name | default | description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| OBJECT_TOOL_PATCHADMINSITE | True | replace with object_tool.CustomObjectToolAdminSite when app loaded |
| OBJECT_TOOL_PATCHMODELADMIN | False | replace django.contrib.admin.options.ModelAdmin with object_tool.CustomObjectToolModelAdmin when app loaded |
We do not support django-import-export yet, but we have plan support django-import-export in the future.
Example app
We provided an example app
git clone
cd django-object-tool/example
pip install -r requirements.txt
python migrate
python runserver
Then visit and login as super admin by using account admin with password 123456.
django-import-export compatibility
Change logs
custom object tools
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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