Djangofloor 1.2.11 | Coderz Repository

djangofloor 1.2.11

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djangofloor 1.2.11


Djangofloor helps you to quickly create Django applications that are also easy to deploy. To reach these goals, Djangofloor provides:

an extension to the base Django's setting, allowing to split your configuration into several files (default values provided by Djangofloor, constants values for your project, deployement parameters, local values for development),
an unified signal dispatcher, using bi-directionnal websockets through Celery and Redis. You can call Python and Javascript signals from the Python or the Javascript side,
auto-configuration for a few widespread Django apps (Django-Debug-Toolbar, Django-Redis-Sessions, Django-Pipeline) if they are present,
a base template using the well-known Bootstrap3 (but of course you can use any other templates),
valid default Django settings (like logs),
create new Django projects that are working and deployable out-of-the-box (even if you finally replace all default templates and views).

Creating a new project
Creating a working new project only requires a couple lines:
pip install djangofloor
Your new project name [MyProject] NewProject
Python package name [newproject]
Initial version [0.1]
Root project path [.] /tmp/newproject
cd /tmp/newproject
python install
newproject-ctl migrate
newproject-ctl runserver

Online documentation
Read The doc


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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