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easy audience network
audience_network #
Forked from
Added support for multiple Interstitial and Rewarded Ads
Added support for Rewarded Ads on iOS
Facebook Audience Network plugin for Flutter applications (Android & iOS).
Banner Ad
Native Banner Ad
Native Ad
Interstitial Ad
Rewarded Video Ad
Getting Started #
1. Initialization: #
For testing purposes you need to obtain the hashed ID of your testing device. To obtain the hashed ID:
Call AudienceNetwork.init() during app initialization.
Place the BannerAd widget in your app.
Run the app.
The hased id will be in printed to the logcat. Paste that onto the testingId parameter.
testingId: "37b1da9d-b48c-4103-a393-2e095e734bd6", //optional
testMode: true, // optional
iOSAdvertiserTrackingEnabled: true, //default false
copied to clipboard
IOS Setup
In Pod file, set the IOS deployment target version to 9.0
2. Show Banner Ad: #
alignment: Alignment(0.5, 1),
child: BannerAd(
placementId: Platform.isAndroid
bannerSize: BannerSize.STANDARD,
listener: BannerAdListener(
onError: (code, message) => print('error'),
onLoaded: () => print('loaded'),
onClicked: () => print('clicked'),
onLoggingImpression: () => print('logging impression'),
copied to clipboard
3. Show Interstitial Ad: #
final interstitialAd = InterstitialAd(InterstitialAd.testPlacementId);
interstitialAd.listener = InterstitialAdListener(
onLoaded: () {;
onDismissed: () {
print('Interstitial dismissed');
copied to clipboard
4. Show Rewarded Video Ad: #
final rewardedAd = RewardedAd(
userId: 'some_user_id', // optional for server side verification
rewardedAd.listener = RewardedAdListener(
onLoaded: () {;
onVideoComplete: () {
print('Video completed');
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5. Show Native Ad: #
NativeAdType NATIVE_AD_HORIZONTAL & NATIVE_AD_VERTICAL ad types are supported only in iOS. In Android use NATIVE_AD.
placementId: NativeAd.testPlacementId,
adType: NativeAdType.NATIVE_AD,
width: double.infinity,
height: 300,
titleColor: Colors.white,
descriptionColor: Colors.white,
buttonColor: Colors.deepPurple,
buttonTitleColor: Colors.white,
buttonBorderColor: Colors.white,
//set true if you do not want adview to refresh on widget rebuild
keepAlive: true,
// set false if you want to collapse the native ad view when the ad is loading
keepExpandedWhileLoading: false,
//in milliseconds. Expands the adview with animation when ad is loaded
expandAnimationDuraion: 300,
listener: NativeAdListener(
onError: (code, message) => print('error'),
onLoaded: () => print('loaded'),
onClicked: () => print('clicked'),
onLoggingImpression: () => print('logging impression'),
onMediaDownloaded: () => print('media downloaded'),
copied to clipboard
6. Show Native Banner Ad: #
Use NativeBannerAdSize to choose the height for Native banner ads. height property is ignored for native banner ads.
placementId: NativeAd.testPlacementId,
adType: NativeAdType.NATIVE_BANNER_AD,
bannerAdSize: NativeBannerAdSize.HEIGHT_100,
width: double.infinity,
titleColor: Colors.white,
descriptionColor: Colors.white,
buttonColor: Colors.deepPurple,
buttonTitleColor: Colors.white,
buttonBorderColor: Colors.white,
listener: NativeAdListener(
onError: (code, message) => print('error'),
onLoaded: () => print('loaded'),
onClicked: () => print('clicked'),
onLoggingImpression: () => print('logging impression'),
onMediaDownloaded: () => print('media downloaded'),
copied to clipboard
Check out the example for complete implementation.
iOS wrapper code contribution by lolqplay team from birdgang
Note: Instream video ad has been removed by Facebook. Read more here #
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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