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elementary helper

Elementary-helper #


Description #
To make Elementary easier to use, some helpers have been added. Among them are custom implementations of the observer pattern and wrappers to facilitate easier and more testable interactions with Flutter from the WidgetModel.
StateNotifier #
The behavior is similar to ValueNotifier but with no requirement to set an initial value. Due to this, the returned value is nullable. StateNotifier's subscribers are notified whenever a state change occurs. Additionally, the subscriber is called for the first time at the moment of subscription. Use accept to emit a new value.
final _somePropertyWithIntegerValue = StateNotifier<int>();

void someFunctionChangeValue() {
// do something, get new value
// ...............................................................
final newValue = _doSomething();
// and then change value of property
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EntityStateNotifier #
A variant of ValueNotifier that uses a special EntityState object as the state value. EntityState has three states: content, loading, and error. All states can contain data, for cases when you want to keep previous values, such as pagination.
final _countryListState = EntityStateNotifier<Iterable<Country>>();

Future<void> _loadCountryList() async {
final previousData = _countryListState.value?.data;

// set property to loading state and use previous data for this state

try {
// await the result
final res = await model.loadCountries();
// set property to content state, use new data
} on Exception catch (e) {
// set property to error state
_countryListState.error(e, previousData);
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StateNotifierBuilder #
The StateNotifierBuilder is a widget that uses a StateNotifier as its data source. A builder function of the StateNotifierBuilder must return a widget based on the current value passed.
void somewhereInTheBuildFunction() {
// ......
listenableState: someListenableState,
builder: (ctx, value) {
return Text(value);
// ......
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EntityStateNotifierBuilder #
The EntityStateNotifierBuilder is a widget that uses an EntityStateNotifier as its data source. Depending on the state, different builders are called: errorBuilder for error, loadingBuilder for loading, and builder for content.
Widget build(ICountryListWidgetModel wm) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Country List'),
body: EntityStateNotifierBuilder<Iterable<Country>>(
listenableEntityState: wm.countryListState,
loadingBuilder: (_, __) => const _LoadingWidget(),
errorBuilder: (_, __, ___) => const _ErrorWidget(),
builder: (_, countries) =>
countries: countries,
nameStyle: wm.countryNameStyle,
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DoubleSourceBuilder #
One of the multi-source builders, it uses two ListenableState objects as sources of data. The builder function is called whenever any of the sources change.
void somewhereInTheBuildFunction() {
// ......
DoubleSourceBuilder<String, TextStyle>(
firstSource: captionListenableState,
secondSource: captionStyleListenableState,
builder: (ctx, value, style) {
return Text(value, style: style);
// ......
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DoubleValueListenableBuilder #
One of the multi-source builders, it uses two ValueListenable objects as sources of data. The builder function is called whenever any of the sources change.
void somewhereInTheBuildFunction() {
// ......
DoubleValueListenableBuilder<String, TextStyle>(
firstValue: captionListenableState,
secondValue: captionStyleListenableState,
builder: (ctx, value, style) {
return Text(value, style: style);
// ......
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TripleSourceBuilder #
One of the multi-source builders, it uses three ListenableState objects as sources of data. The builder function is called whenever any of the sources change.
void somewhereInTheBuildFunction() {
// ......
TripleSourceBuilder<String, int, TextStyle>(
firstSource: captionListenableState,
secondSource: valueListenableState,
thirdSource: captionStyleListenableState,
builder: (ctx, title, value, style) {
return Text('$title: ${value ?? 0}', style: style);
// ......
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TripleValueListenableBuilder #
One of the multi-source builders, it uses three ValueListenable objects as sources of data. The builder function is called whenever any of the sources change.
void somewhereInTheBuildFunction() {
// ......
TripleSourceBuilder<String, int, TextStyle>(
firstSource: captionListenableState,
secondSource: valueListenableState,
thirdSource: captionStyleListenableState,
builder: (ctx, title, value, style) {
return Text('$title: ${value ?? 0}', style: style);
// ......
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MultiListenerRebuilder #
A widget that rebuilds part of the UI when one of the Listenable objects changes. The builder function in this widget does not take any values as parameters; you need to get the values directly within the function's body.
void somewhereInTheBuildFunction() {
// ......
listenableList: [
builder: (ctx) {
final title = firstListenable.value;
final value = secondListenable.value;
final style = thirdListenable.value;
return Text('$title: ${value ?? 0}', style: style);
// ......
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Maintainer #

Mikhail Zotyev

Contributors thanks #
Big thanks to all these people, who put their effort into helping the project.

Special thanks to:
Dmitry Krutskikh, Konoshenko Vlad, and
Denis Grafov for the early adoption and the first production feedback;
Alex Bukin for IDE plugins;
All members of the Surf Flutter Team for actively using and providing feedback.
Sponsorship #
Special sponsor of the project:

For all questions regarding sponsorship/collaboration connect with Mikhail Zotyev.


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