Enough Convert | Coderz Repository


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enough convert

Support for character encodings / charsets / codecs missing from dart:convert.
Supports the following encodings:

Latin / ISO 8859 encodings:

Latin 1 / ISO 8859-1
Latin 2 / ISO 8859-2
Latin 3 / ISO 8859-3
Latin 4 / ISO 8859-4
Latin 5 / ISO 8859-5
Latin 6 / ISO 8859-6
Latin 7 / ISO 8859-7
Latin 8 / ISO 8859-8
Latin 9 / ISO 8859-9
Latin 10 / ISO 8859-10
Latin 11 / ISO 8859-11
Latin 13 / ISO 8859-13
Latin 14 / ISO 8859-14
Latin 15 / ISO 8859-15
Latin 16 / ISO 8859-16

Windows Codepage Encodings:

Windows-1250 / cp-1250
Windows-1251 / cp-1251
Windows-1252 / cp-1252
Windows-1253 / cp-1253
Windows-1254 / cp-1254
Windows-1256 / cp-1256

DOS Codepage Encodings:


GBK (compatible with GB-2312)



Usage #
Using enough_convert is pretty straight forward:
import 'package:enough_convert/enough_convert.dart';

main() {
final codec = const Windows1252Codec(allowInvalid: false);
final input = 'Il faut être bête quand même.';
final encoded = codec.encode(input);
final decoded = codec.decode([...encoded]);
print('${codec.name}: encode "$input" to "$encoded"');
print('${codec.name}: decode $encoded to "$decoded"');

copied to clipboard
Installation #
Add this dependency your pubspec.yaml file:
enough_convert: ^1.6.0
copied to clipboard
The latest version or enough_convert is .
Wait, what is this about? #
Dylan (not associated with this project in any way) explains the world of text encoding quite well:
It's 2022, do we still need this? #
Short answer: yes.
Long answer: yes, there are still many web pages, emails and other content out there that is encoded in various text encodings.
Features and bugs #
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.
Null-Safety #
enough_convert is null-safe from v1.0.0 onward.
License #
enough_convert is licensed under the commercial friendly Mozilla Public License 2.0


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