Enough Platform Widgets | Coderz Repository


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enough platform widgets

enough_platform_widgets #

More cross platform widgets for Flutter developers.
Based on these great packages:


Licensed commercially friendly under the MIT License.
Installation #
Add this as a dependency to your pubspec.yaml:
enough_platform_widgets: ^1.0.0
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Flutter Versions #

Use 1.0 or higher for Flutter 3.16+
Use 0.7.4 for previous Flutter versions

Platform Widgets and Methods #
Platform widgets use their material or cupertino equivalent based on the chosen platform.

DecoratedPlatformTextField provides a cross platform replacement for the material TextField
DensePlatformIconButton replaces the material IconButton
DialogHelper helps to show platform specific dialogs
PlatformBottomBar shows a BottomAppBar on material and a CupertinoBar on cupertino
PlatformCheckboxListTile is a platform aware simple checkbox list tile
PlatformChip a simple cross-platform Chip replacement
PlatformDialogActionButton is a platform aware dialog action
PlatformDialogActionText provides a platform aware dialog action text
PlatformDropdownButton is a replacement for the material DropdownButton
PlatformFilledButtonIcon uses an ElevatedButton.filled on material and a CupertinoButton.filled on cupertino
PlatformInkWell is a rectangular area of a that responds to touch and is based either on InkWell or on CupertinoInkWell
PlatformPageScaffold provides a PlatformScaffold with the additional option to define a bottom bar.
PlatformPopupButton uses an action sheet on cupertino and a popup button on material.
PlatformProgressIndicator uses a CircularProgressIndicator on material and a CupertinoActivityIndicator on cupertino
PlatformRadioListTile provides a RadioListTile implementation for both material and cupertino
PlatformSliverAppBar uses a SliverAppBar on material or a CupertinoSliverNavigationBar on cupertino
PlatformSnackApp is a base app that allows to show SnackBars on cupertino as well
PlatformStepper abstracts the Stepper material widget
PlatformTextButtonIcon is a simple replacement for TextButton.icon
PlatformToggleButtons provides a platform aware ToggleButtons replacement
PlatformToolbar provides a toolbar option
SelectablePlatformListTile provides a ListTile implementation for both material and cupertino
showPlatformTimePicker() displays a platform aware time picker
showPlatformDatePicker() displays a platform aware date picker
Additionally, all flutter_platform_widgets are available.

Cupertino Widgets #
Currently the following cupertino widgets are provided:

CupertinoBar is a simple cupertino bar that either blurs the background or provides a translucent background
CupertinoCheckboxListTile provides a simple cupertino style checkbox list tile
CupertinoChip is a cupertino version of the material Chip widget
CupertinoDropdownButton maps the basic dropdown feature to a CupertinoPicker
CupertinoInkWell is a rectangular area of a that responds to touch
CupertinoMultipleSegmentedControl is like the CupertinoSegmentedControl but it allows to select several segments at once
CupertinoPageScaffoldWithToolbar provides a scaffold with the option to define a toolbar widget
CupertinoPageWithBar is a simple page with a bar that can be aligned top/bottom/left/right
CupertinoRadioListTile provides a simple cupertino style radio list tile
CupertinoSearchFlowTextField displays a CupertinoSearchTextField with the expected UX flow that switches to a full-screen experience once editing starts
CupertinoSnackApp is a CupertinoApp that also allows to display snack bar messages
CupertinoToolbar a simple wrapper for a cupertino toolbar widget

API Documentation #
Check out the full API documentation at https://pub.dev/documentation/enough_platform_widgets/latest/
Thanks to all Contributors!! #

Made with contrib.rocks.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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