Eprinttools 0.1.7 | Coderz Product

eprinttools 0.1.7

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eprinttools 0.1.7

eprinttools is a collection of command line tools written in Go,
a Go package and set of command line utilities for working
with EPrints 3.x EPrint XML and REST API written in Python 3.
Eventually it is planned to have this project become a pure Python
This project also hosts demonstration code to replicate a public
facing version of an EPrints repository outside of EPrints. Think
of it as the public views and landing pages.
Go base code
The command line programs

eputil is a command line utility for interacting (e.g. harvesting) JSON and XML from EPrints' REST API

uses minimal configuration because it does less!
it superceded the ep command

epfmt is a command line utility to pretty print EPrints XML and convert to/from JSON

in the process of pretty printing it also validates the EPrints XML against the eprinttools Go package definitions

doi2eprintxml is a command line program for turning metadata harvested from CrossRef and DataCite into an EPrint XML document based on one or more supplied DOI
eprintxml2json is a command line program for taking EPrint XML and turning it into JSON

The first two utilities can be configured from the environment or
command line options. The environment settings are overridden by command
line options. For details running either command envoke the
tool name with the '-help' option.
Python base code
Python Modules
This python module wraps the eputil Go comand in Python. It makes it
trivial to implement harvesting an EPrints repository using the EPrints
This python module uses py_dataset and the harvested content to generate
a htdocs directory similar to the URL layout of EPrints. It features
classes for working with Views, Users (needed to attribute names to userid
fields EPrint XML harvested from the REST API), Subjects (a way to load
the subjects text file from an EPrints archive and generate the path
to label mapping used when rendering views into an htdocs directory)
and Aggregator (this does the heavy lifting of processing a dataset
collection of harvested EPrint XML and generating the views as JSON
documents in the htdocs directory).
command line tools
harvester_full.py, harvester_recent.py
These two Python programs use eprints3x module to implement
harvesters of EPrint XML and any related digitl objects (e.g. PDFs, images)
into a dataset collection
This Python program processes a dataset collection and renders an
htdocs tree populating it with JSON documents and key lists. This
skeleton of metadata and directory structure can then be processed
into a rendered website mirroring the content from an EPrints repository.
This module relies on eprintviews.
This Python program indexes the contents of our replicated
EPrints site by creating scheme.json files along side the index.json
files that represent the landing pages for the replicated repository.
These can then be easily ingested into Lunr.js or Elasticsearch. Currently
the proof of concept targets Lunr.js.
This module relies on eprintviews.
This Python program creates the HTML pages from Markdown documents
in the static folder (e.g. home page and major landing pages) as
well as the individual views and abstracts from the JSON documents
created by genviews.py. The final result is a static website ready
to serve out to the public. This module relies on eprintviews.
This Python program copys (syncs) the content with an AWS S3 bucket
via the AWS command line tools.
Related GitHub projects
This Python module provides access to dataset collections which we
use as intermediate storage for JSON documents and related attachments.
The eprintools command line programs have been made available to Python
via the AMES project. This include support for both read and write to EPrints repository systems.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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