Eva Icons Flutter | Coderz Repository


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eva icons flutter

eva_icons_flutter #
Flutter package for Eva Icons. Eva Icons is a pack of more than 480 beautifully crafted Open Source icons for common actions and items.
This package brings Eva Icons pack available as Flutter Icons. It has beautiful outlined and rounded Icons.
NOTE: AndroidX Compatible
Blog Post: Beautiful Outlined and Rounded Icons in Flutter with Eva Icons
Installation #
In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line:
eva_icons_flutter: <latest_version>
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Usage #
import 'package:eva_icons_flutter/eva_icons_flutter.dart';

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return IconButton(
// Use the EvaIcons class for the IconData
icon: Icon(EvaIcons.heart),
onPressed: () { print("Eva Icon heart Pressed"); }
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Example #
View the Flutter app in the example directory.
Screenshot #

Contributors #

Piyush Maurya
Karan Shah


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