Fading Edge Scrollview | Coderz Repository


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fading edge scrollview

fading_edge_scrollview #
Package providing FadingEdgeScrollView which allows you to build scrollable views with fading edges
Usage #
Create FadingEdgeScrollView by calling one of constructors depending on your scroll view class.
Unfortunately scrollable view don't share same interface so there are separate constructors for:

ScrollView (most scrollable views inherit from this class) FadingEdgeScrollView.fromScrollView
SingleChildScrollView FadingEdgeScrollView.fromSingleChildScrollView
PageView FadingEdgeScrollView.fromPageView
AnimatedList FadingEdgeScrollView.fromAnimatedList
ListWheelScrollView FadingEdgeScrollView.fromListWheelScrollView

View passed as child MUST have controller set.
See documentation and example folder for more information
Breaking change in version 4.0.0 #
Field shouldDisposeScrollController was removed. I was not realizing how widgets should work when I added it.
If you were using it - move scrollController creation and disposal to some StatefulWidget.
Demo #
Click to see on Youtube:


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